Hello again, a new reason for me to use my lj!
This is my post for Very Beaty TCG and I'm a beginner and slowly learning what to do ;)
http://verybeauty.clavis-sama.com/index.php If you want to trade with me, just send me a message hear or through
the VB site if you wish to trade!
Name: Kethets
Luna Sea
Members Card:
Trade log:
04/04-2011 - Starter pack: buono09, hikki08, juka13, juka16 juka19, kagerou14, shouganai20, tmrtriple05, versailles15, yaochan15
05/04-2011 -Traded versailles15 for Juka03 with Kiyoko
06/04-2011 - Won two cards (Wild11 and aristocrat19) and 50 HP in the puzzle, Won hide08 and kinki kids18 in war game, won three cards in trivia (Funeral11, Yuuki15 and Airi05) and 15 HP, Won two cards (Takeru01 and Vingt01) and 50 HP in Memory, Won one card (Trick14) and 15 HP in Pure lyrics.
08/04-2011 - Got four random card (girl09,
monokurorinbu14, neveragain_kzkb10 and group16) and one choice card (juka05) for donating the Luna Sea deck. Won two cards (Giruryo08 (woho for having is autograph on my hand for 2h) and GiruGlossy02) and 10 HP. Won 3 cards from the slots Portfolio06, monokurorinbu01 and namidairo17.
11/04-2011 Won Yomi10,Yuna14 and got 50 HP for solving the puzzel. Got 2 freebies funeral08 and philia09. Won flashback05 and 15HP in Pure lyrics.
12/04 2011 Traded monokurorinbu01, monokurorinbu14 and giruglossy02 against Alice nine03,hide01 and hide19 with Shinsou. Traded memberscard with Shiro and Iro
15/04- 2011 Traded yuana14 for juka15 with Woody. ”Won” shinon10 and 50 HP in hangman 58. Won kyo17,mooncrying13, miracle14, yuu14, 1 choice card (juka01) and 100 HP from the big Puzzel, Won mucc16 and15 HP in the blankety blank
16/04-2011 Got Juka02 and 04, Luna Sea01 and 02, Uruha03 and 04, hide02 and 03 giruryo01 (site wasn't found, pic come later) and 02 for solving the winter game
Also luna sea03, kanojo_cdtv08, makingyuuki08 and tsuyoshi15 for completing the wordsearch
Got Jay01,mizu08,die14,minase02 and poitrine10 for donating the J deck
Won colorful17 and 18, alohello03,despairs03, bakaninatta20 and monokurorinbu18 also 40 hp for participating in the theme deck
Got butterfly_face05 for getting a letter right in the hangman game
3/5-2011 Won kana04 and galaxyz12 and 50 HP from the puzzel. won Kumai11, shouganai08, charmy12 and 15 HP from the trivia. Got hime ichigo10, stepyou08, makingloop and 50 HP from separated at birth. Got sherry05 and 15 HP from blankety blank. Won perfume11, yamapi3 and 50 HP from the memory.
5/6-2011 Got shinchan01, yasu01,white01 and yuki01 from updates. Got edge01, miku1, gyaruru11 and 50 HP from separated at birth