SPN FIC: Drive All Night

Jan 07, 2011 17:33

Title: Drive All Night
Spoilers: season 6
Genre: h/c, AU
Summary: In the end, Sam left quietly.
Warnings: Spoilers and speculation for Season 6, broken!sam
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox.
Author’s Note: Just a quick drabble for the Whumped!Sam/Awesome Big Brother!Dean celebration of awesome over at dragonfly_sg1 's journal. Might become a 'verse  in the future (see: more ( Read more... )

you're confusing reality with fandom aga, sammich, fic, supernatural, i majored in english can you tell?, writing, yes please moar, tv rots your brain, pimping

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Comments 10

de_nugis January 7 2011, 22:38:09 UTC
I am divided between "Ouch" and "Awwwww."

I love the idea of Sam drawing good, protective symbols on everything.

That was lovely.


kettle_o_fish January 8 2011, 17:51:43 UTC
I am divided between "Ouch" and "Awwwww."

You know what? Me too. When I finished writing this, one part of my brain was all "Aw Sammeh!" and the other half kept yelling, "You're a meanie!"

It's bittersweet at best, definitely.

Thank you!


sistabro January 8 2011, 00:31:45 UTC
Lovely. I really liked how it was quiet sort of falling apart, that he wasn't violent except to himself, or really anything but lost so deep in his head only the physical sensation of riding in the car, which has probably been the most constant thing in his life, can draw him out. Well done.


kettle_o_fish January 8 2011, 17:58:51 UTC
Thank you! I think the quiet breakdown aspect came out of another story I'm working on for the OhSam community's fic challenge. My prompt calls for an out-of-his-mind, insane wreck!Sam and after writing Sam like that for the past week or so, I think I needed to come up for air. I just wanted everyone to be "okay" for 500 words or so.


arilaen February 18 2011, 06:58:06 UTC
Oh, this is so amazing. I love the way it's written, the length, the subtlety and 'quiet' way Sam 'leaves'... just, beautiful. Poor poor poorrr Sam and Dean! But I LOVED that last part, the 'really' looked part... love the bittersweet ending that still has hope and lets you keep imagining... =]


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kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 10:24:19 UTC
*nods and grins and points and flails*

I have a mute Sam obsession in the worst way.


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kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 13:15:40 UTC
I keep meaning to read the comics! I read, like, one, and it was in the middle of an arc and Sam was in a subway (or something?) and there were monsters (or something?) but I didn't think it was terrible. They're just so hard to find around here. :(

Amnesia!boys are pretty sweet. I would totally count the comics as canon where Dean's mustism is concerned. And Sam! You wrote amnesia!Sam! I made a note to check out the Photograph's 'verse. I'm not sure if I've read it or not. I'm bad at remembering what I read. It's terrible.

That's so nice of Dean to let you borrow him though. He's such a good sport about things...all things considered. Hee. <3


borgmama1of5 May 5 2011, 01:45:51 UTC
I decided to explore the rest of your verse, and oh, this made me cry! Dean's resignation and acceptance just broke my heart.


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