i do too many of these

Nov 16, 2005 08:49

//Series One - Yourself
Full Name: Kevin Russel Guilbert
Nicknames: Kevin, Guilbert, Kev, KG, ect...but none besides the first 2 often
Birth date: 5-2-88
Birthplace: Dayton Ohio!
Current Location: Rochester Hills Michigan
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: LIGHT BROWN! no more blonde! horray!!!!
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Dragon beeatch!

// Series Two - Describe
The shoes you wore today: not wearing any, but ill wear my NBA shoes for school
Your hair: under my hat, usual style
Your weakness: lizzie merrelli!
Your fears: Death,losing that certian someone ;)
Your perfect pizza: cheese and pepperoni...from NY.
One thing you'd like to achieve: be successful

// Series Three - What Is
Your most overused phrase: gay
Your thoughts first waking up: god damn it im so tired!
The first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: Lizzies extremely beautiful face
Your best physical feature: uhh everything...duh haha :P (do you really think I care?)
Your bedtime: when im finished with homework haha
Your greatest accomplishment: july first 2004 duh!
Your most missed memory: same as above

// Series Four - You Prefer
Pepsi or coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's.
Single or group dates: group dates suck
Adidas or Nike: adidas is trash
Chocolate or vanilla: both
Cappuccino or coffee: coffe for sure

// Series Five - Do You
Cuss: haha yeah, but only when the time is right
Take a shower everyday: i dunno do i? why dont you smell me haha
Have a crush(es): oh you better believe it
Do you think you've been in love: no i dont, i KNOW
Want to go to college: yes sirrrr
Like high school: its ok, but i realized how much i wanna get out of here
Want to get married: YES
Think you're attractive: oh yeah, or thats what lizzie tells me haha
Think you're a health freak: helllll no
Get along with your parents: yess
Like thunderstorms: yeah they are cool

//Series Six - This Month, Did/Have You
Drank alcohol: negativo
Done a drug: negativo
Made Out: psh? me? yeah right
Go on a date: psh? me? yeah right
Go to the mall: actually surprisingly no
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not an oreo fan
Been dumped: yeah right!
Made homemade cookies: YES acutally! sunday!!! :DDD

// Series Seven - Have You Ever
Played a game that required removal of clothing: no thank you!
If so, was it mixed company: see above
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
Been caught "doing something": haha well there was this one time i was cought reading a book...yeah it was so scary
Been called a tease: yeah..definately not
Gotten beaten up: yeah right...no
Shoplifted: on accident haha whne i was little
Changed who you were to fit in: never! fuck them!

// Series Eight - The Future
Age you hope to be married: yeahhhhh said that already
Numbers and names of Children: ask the wifey
Describe your dream wedding: december 24th duh
How do you want to die: something painless
Where you want to go to college: rochester! :)
What do you want to be when you grow up: something successful
What country would you most like to visit: France

// Series Nine - Same Sex
Best eye color: green
Best hair color: hmm long, brown, with blonde streaks
Short or long hair: long
Best articles of clothing: doesnt matter
Best first date location: going to see the terminal and playing shitty mini golf
Best first kiss location: i dunno infront of someone garrage? haha

// Series Ten - Number Of
Number of boyfriends you've had: excuse me...-2
Number of girlfriends: 2 but one that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing....guess which one  haha
Number of people I could trust with my life: 1 maybe 3 but i dunno, 1 for sure
Number of CDs that I own: 40+
Number of piercings: none ever
Number of tattoos: none EVER
Number of scars on my body: haha alot, but one main one on my eyebrow...*sigh*
Number of things in my past that I regret: haha maybe 2 3 if you count not meeting lizzie sooner :P

// Series Eleven - The Last...
Movie you rented: What dreams may come! :)))
Movie you watched: not sure
Song you listened to: Luxurious-Gwen Stafani
Song you've downloaded: Best of OutKast CD
CD you bought: Kanye West-Late Registration (over rated)
CD you listened to: Blackeyed peas-Elephunk
Books you have bought: haha ?
Person you've called: Elizabeth
Person that's called you: Elizabeth!
TV show you've watched: Sports Center
Person you were thinking of: My baby

// Series Twelve - Misc.
You have a b/f or g/f: hell yeah!
You have a crush on someone: see above
You wish you could live somewhere else: yes
You believe in online dating: lmfao what a joke
Others find you attractive: lizzie merrelli!
You want more piercings: omfg no
You want more tattoos: see above
You like cleaning: not really
You like roller coasters: ack!
You write in cursive or print: print, i suck at cursive
You carry a donor card: nooooo

// Series Thirteen - For Or Against...
Long distance relationships: against
Using someone: against
Suicide: against
Killing people: Against
Teenage smoking: against
Doing drugs: against
Driving drunk: against
Gay/lesbian relationships: against...all these are pretty shitty

// Series Fourteen - Favorite...
Soap operas: wtf
Food: tacos
Song: right thurr/my boo
Thing to do: see elizabeth ann merrelli
Thing to talk about: same as above
Sport: football
Drink: coke
Clothes: mine
Shoes: my shoes
Movie: space jam for sure
Band: band?
Holiday: Christmas

// Series Fifteen - What Are You Right Now...
Shampoo do you use: V08
Perfume do you use: mens shit
Shoes do you wear: NBA god damn it

// Series Sixteen - In The Past 24 Hours Have You
Had a serious talk: yeah
Hugged someone: yeah
Fought with a friend: nope
Cried: nope
Laughed: yeah
Made someone laugh: yeah
Bought something: no
Cut your hair: no
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