Why do games still use Games for Windows Live? Like, does Microsoft give them money to require it? Or is it the opposite? Do developers pay Microsoft for the opportunity to use GfWL?
Furthermore, who thought it would be brilliant to require both Steam /and/ GfWL? I'm looking directly at you, Relic and THQ. I'm sure they aren't the only ones,
It says something about MMOs that when I click on 'register new account' on the installer (Star Wars The Outer Reaches) it takes me to a place where I can login with the security code, name, password, and there's a little tiny button that says 'register new account
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Okay, after getting either nothing from various MUSH populations or the occasional snide remark about how one can't do things while RPG-Works is down, I might as well ask it here
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"What is this Mechwarrior Online and what does it have to do with Mechwarrior '5'? Man, I never thought I'd ever see the market oversaturated with Battletech gam--oh. Oh."
Not sure if want, but apparently it's free to play so I'll see for sure someday.
Okay, in discussing some things with Cid Highwind it occurs to me that I should probably tell people exactly what's been going down and to give an answer to "Where the hell is Cid Pollendina/Ryotaro Dojima
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It's rare that I just suddenly start laughing and never stop, but I found what looks to be an advertisement for Dark Prophecy on an old MUSH off-circuit.
The first time Dark Prophecy opened, too, I think.
Livejournal, it would be fantastic if, when I click 'log in', I'm actually logged in.
Instead of, say, sending me to the exact same page, don't log me in, and display an ad, forcing me to wait until I can get through the ad and then log in a second time.
Apping on SRT may have turned around my MUSHing slump. By RPing on there I've felt that I really want to do more with the characters I may or may not be inactive with. It's been a little while since I've been feeling this great about MUSHing.