
Oct 03, 2011 00:57

1. Has anything made you happy recently?
Kiss Mes trending #Proudtobeakissme

2. What scares you?
Another change.

3. How long do you usually sleep?
A few hours if I'm lucky ^^*

4. What was your last dream about?
The nightmare I had after watching White.

5. What's something you like to do?

6. At what times do you feel stressed out?
Lots of times! When people are expecting things from me I get stressed I won't be able to live up to it. When I don't get to sleep, when I'm not getting a dance. When I'm sick

7. How do you get rid of your stress?
I play with the guys ^^

8. What's in your wallet now?
Pictures of my family, some money and receipts

9. What's your favorite fashion?
I like scarves?

10. Which celebrities do you like?
Brian hyung~ Lot's really *^^*

11. What's your favorite movie?
I can't choose~

12. What are you good at?
Singing? Doing my own make up

13. Do you play any instruments?
I play the piano ^^

14. What's your favorite place?
My room~ The other guys rooms kk the practice room

15. What bad habits do you have?
I talk really loud?

16. Do you like to cook?
If someone is cooking with me ^^

17. Do you enjoy cooking?
I enjoy the company I get while cooking more so than actually cooking

18. What kind of kid were you?
Shy and quiet

19. Who influences you?
I realized as I was erasing it that my answer is the same as Junhyungs. But my family, my bandmates, sunbaes and hoobaes ^^

20. What music do you like to listen to?
Brian hyung, Paran sunbaes, girl groups hahaha Really most everything

21. What song do you like recently?
Kara's Step

22. What's something you like about yourself?
My voice?

23. What is something you like about your job?
I'm doing what I dreamed of doing!

24. If you could change your job what would it be?
I don't know... I would probably still be singing at church even if I weren't a singer.

25. The time you woke up?
5 am

26. What if you were born as the opposite sex?
People wouldn't look at me weird when I did girl group dances.

27. What's the last thing you ate?
Some crackers

28. Are you a funny person?
I think... maybe because I do things without regard hahaha People are laughing at what I'm doing

29. What's the craziest thing you've done with your hair?
Covered it's awesome with a wig.

30. What do you want to eat for breakfast?
An english muffin with an egg ham and cheese *^^*

31. When do you eat your favorite thing during the meal?
When I'm at home in the middle, but when I'm with the guys, first.

32. What do you want to say to your past self?
You made it! Good job! Enjoy every moment with those you're with.

33. What's something you miss?
School! I want to make college memories too~

34. What's your favorite emoticon?

35. Your favorite shows?
I watch a lot of cooking shows and music videos because that's what my mom has on the tv

36. What's your last text say?
"I know. I don't... know how to feel about it."

37. How about e-mail?
"Sorry I didn't say goodbye, I was late! Talk to you later!"

38. Who was the last?
God? kk

39. What age do you want to get married?
When I fall in love!

40. Any siblings?
A pretty Noona~

41. What is the longest record time that you spent on the phone?
Three hours?

42. Is there anything you can do intensively for a long time?
Sing? Dance? Talk.

43. The last time you fell?
Practicing for the water performance.

44. It's your last day so how do you spend it?
Giving love to God my family, friends and fans.

45. What's the ideal date?
I've never been on one~ I'd be happy with anything. The movies sound fun *^^*

46. What's something you look forward to?
NUMBER ONE. Gotta keep working! *^^*

47. What do you want to eat now?
Ice cream. I talked about it today.

48. Are you shy in front of strangers?
Only if I'm alone.

49. What's something unique about you?
Ummmmm I'm pretty? TT Hahaha I don't know

50. How often do you talk about what's on your mind?
When I need to *^^*

51. What animal are you compared to?
A fish. An octopus? Is that it? kk

52. Are you enjoying school?
No, because I'm not going TT

53. When is a person in love?
I think a person should live in love! Whether it's with a person or what they do or God. *^^*

54. What type of the opposite sex are you attracted to?
A girl who's cuter than me! Hahaha Noonas are always really pretty too

55. Are you/were you ever popular with the opposite sex?
I think more in that they want to take care of me than in an actual popular sense.

56. What was your last conversation about?

57. Is anyone in love with you?
I don't think so, but lots of people love me I think. If you are in love with me, please let me know~

58. If you could visit any planet which would it be?
Saturn~ Cause God put a ring on it. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

59. What last made you disappointed?
Getting sick.

60. What last made you angry?
Mmmmmmmmmm I'm sure it was some stupid argument with a bandmember, but I don't remember I haven't been angry lately.

61. Where will your honeymoon be?
Wherever she wants to go!

62. Do you believe in ghosts?
I can't decide. I think... maybe energy might get left behind? But souls always leave this world.

63. What kind of teenager are you/were you?
Studious! But I was active in the church's cheer group ^^

64. What are you waiting for?
Number one!

65. What do you like to do at home?
I sleep at home!

66. Do you keep a diary?

67. How do you start the day?
Crying and begging my alarm clock to be quiet

68. How do you end the day?
As a brick falling into my bed

69. Any incantation, superstition and jinx you believe?
Not really, just the golden rule ^^

70. Are you lucky?
Not in the lottery sense, but in that I get to live my dream every day, I suppose so *^^*

71. What video games do you like?
CAKE MANIAAAAAA Actually I just like cake, but... whatever. kkk I like games that aren't stressful. Though when the customers come in pairs and they both ask for three tiered cakes with crazy frosting and decorations and there's five more of them waiting, sometimes Cake Mania gets stressful too. But it's okay, because you can just eat a cupcake and calm down.

72. What thing can you live without?
Can't I? or can? I can live without.... That's hard... because it seems like it'd be a lot of things... but I can't think of anything... So I'll go for something random I guess. I can live without gum. Something I can't live without is my bible *^^*

73. Are you scared of cockroaches?
Yes. They live for like a year without their heads! Everyone should be terrified of that!

74. When was the last time you went on a vacation?
I had a day off on the 27th~

75. What can you eat for the rest of your life?

76. What part of your body do you want to change?
Even when I work out really hard I don't get much bigger! I'm forever small.

77. Are you a realist or romanticist?
Romanticist I guess ^^

78. Rock, paper, scissors?

79. If the conversation you're in slows down how would you fix it?
If it's in person I'd probably do a dance, if it were on the phone maybe I'd sing weird songs? On messages I usually just ask questions

80. Are you a bragger?

81. What was the biggest event for you in the past 5 years?

82. Any words for yourself?
Keep going! Give it everything! ♥

83. Do you like reading letters?
Of course!

84. What's your latest addiction?
At the moment the addiction to omgpop and pico and such are very small since I have no time kk

85. What is your favorite thing right now?
Dongho Hahaha Umm... My free time

86. What are you doing this weekend?
Working ^^

87. What cuisine do you like?
Everything~ I'm getting more and more used to spicy food

88. What do you always have in your bag/purse?
ipod, sunglasses, pocket bible, chapstick, phone, my wallet, a marker... sometimes I keep a snack~

89. What website do you like the most?
omgpop and twitter

90. What do you get really nervous about?
Saying things wrong in Japanese

91. If you had the month off you would...?
Relax! See my sister and my family more, sleep, maybe visit the US

92. Have you cried recently?
Not a real cry, I got eyeliner in my eye the other day, I don't think that counts though

93. When was the last time you did chores?
................It's been a really long time.........Umma I'm sorry..........

94. Do you play any sports?
No not really, I mean, I will~ I just don't go out of my way to

95. The ideal way to spend a Saturday night?
Sleepovers~ ♥

96. What's your future goal?
I know I've said this like five times but NUMBER ONE

97. What do you want to be reborn as?
I don't want to be reborn!

98. Do you work out?

99. Your future in 10 years?
On stage!

100. What about 20 years?
On stage!

Yay meme~ I was bored but not sleepy yet kk


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