Weekly Recs 11/18/11

Nov 08, 2011 19:34

I'm a LOT behind in reading fanfiction.net, but here are a bunch of recs that are mainly drawn from LiveJournal.

Completed Stories:
(Mostly newly-completed stories, plus some old ones if I haven't read them before.)

"Código azul" by sara_f_black (sfb_escritos )
[K, Gibbs/Diane, ~1,450 words]

Quote: La puerta del aquel pasillo del hospital se cerró tras ella. La había abierto con fuerza y decisión, y a su paso se había quedado bamboleándose hacia atrás y delante todavía un par de veces más. DiNozzo estaba en el pasillo y la miró entre aliviado y atemorizado. Era evidente que no había dormido en varios días. Las ojeras pronunciadas y la falta de al menos una máscara de humor en su rostro lo delataban.

KEW note: The author does a great job here of using Diane's sarcasm with compassion.

"Real Love, Real Friends, Real Body Parts" by saints (pedipalps)
[M, Tony/McGee, ~5,700 words]

Summary: In which there are body image issues, a nonsensical tiff, and lots of fluffy sex. Tim's lost weight, Tony doesn't really care, and Abby is even sharper than most give her credit for.

KEW note: This story feels different than many other NCIS and Tony/McGee stories I've read (although I can't put my finger on why). I love the breath of fresh air, and it's a great story.

"Butch and Sundance" by M E Wofford (mewofford )
[T, Tony/Ziva, ~6,700 words]

Summary: Ziva and Tony are in a gunfight and still Tony manages to find out something about Ziva that surprises him.

KEW note: The first chapter is particularly suspenseful and impressive.

"Ding Dong" by ami_ven
[K, ensemble, 100 words]

Summary: "A... house fell on her."

KEW note: The author makes this spoof seem so...plausible. Really tight writing.

"Empty" by jelenamichel (jelenamichel )
[T, Tony/Ziva, set during 8x24 "Pyramid", ~6,400 words]

Summary: He doesn't let her fill him like she once did, but the real agony is that he knows it won't take much more than a layered glance to change that again.

KEW note: I love the tension between Tony being scared of losing Ziva forever and feeling that it's not quite their time.

"Jinxes" by DrawMeASheep
[T, Tony, McGee, Ziva, ~1,500 words]

Summary: Team Gibbs has a lovely conversation. In the bathroom.

KEW notes: Hilarious, especially how this starts out with a Tony & McGee bathroom powwow.

"My Kingdom" by Rose Malmaison (rose_malmaison )
[M, Gibbs/Tony, set during 3x24-25 "Hiatus", fanfiction.net link (not all chapters posted yet), ~24,000 words]

Summary: Tony tries to get Gibbs to remember his relationship as he deals with the search for a terrorist

KEW note: An old story of this author's that I'd never read before.

"Right for Us" by colorguard28 (colorguard28 )
[M, Tony/McGee, missing scene from "Razor's Edge", fanfiction.net link, ~2,200 words]

Summary: 12 hours on a sub after that idiot tried to smuggle a koala onboard left McQueasy in no shape to be left alone, so Tony takes care of him.

KEW note: I like how caring this story is.

"The Travel Pills Won't Keep You on Your Feet" by catwalksalone
[T, Tony/McGee, Abby, Ziva, set post 9x07 "Devil's Triangle", ~2,800 words]

Summary: Sometimes Tony's obsessions can be safely ignored. Sometimes they can't. Or. Four people walk into a bar...

KEW note: McGee's insecurity drives this story.

"Ouroboros" by gracent_dic
[T, Ziva, Gibbs, Tony, McGee, ~1,075 words]

Quote: One thought keeps running through her mind, repeating itself over and over. Like an ouroboros, endless and consuming itself.

KEW note: Sad, sad, sad.

"Warning: Hazardous Seas" by Fingersnaps *NOW COMPLETE
[K+, Tony, McGee]

Summary: Tony and Tim are sent to the USS Nimitz to investigate possible sabotage; they're flying into rough seas, in more ways than one…

KEW Note: Chapters 11-13 added.

Works in Progress:
(Stories in this section will be carried over week to week as long as I continue to follow them or until they are completed or abandoned. Recent updates will be noted.)

"The Shadow of a Doubt" by madame.alexandra *UPDATED
[M, Gibbs/Jenny]

Summary: The fact that she had to bang on his door made her feel sick; it was a bad omen. And things were already bad.

KEW note: Up to Chapter 6 added.

"Road Trip" by taleofmorewoe *UPDATED
[T, Tony/Ziva, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, fanfiction.net link]

Summary: “... Drive me home.” The words were said quietly and once out between them, she turned to head for the elevator. Tony sat there in some sortof temporary shock, trying to get the words to register properly, until he heard the ding and the familiar woosh of air as the doors parted. He quickly shoved away his papers, shut off the light, grabbed his bag, and ran for the doors himself. He made it just in time to slide into the elevator next to her, leaning against the wall and staring at the now glowing button for the garage.

KEW Note: Chapter 3 added.

"Gray Scale" (Part 2) by lennoxcontrary *UPDATED
[M, ensemble, AU from 7x24 "Rule 51"]

Summary: When the Reynosas come after Gibbs the team is forced into dark territory.

KEW note: Chapter 45 added

"Grand Canyon Deep" by hazelmom *UPDATED
[M, McGee, Gibbs]

Summary: McGee struggles to climb out of the depths of despair while Gibbs fights to help him.

KEW Note: Chapters 9 and 10 posted.

"Quake" by jelenamichel (jelenamichel )
[T, Tony/Ziva]

Summary: Tony sometimes thought of the progress in his relationship with Ziva in tectonic terms. They moved together with agonizing slowness, until a burst of seismic activity either smashed them together or ripped them apart. They're due for another quake.

"Unyielding" by Ink On Paper (ink_on_paper93 )
[T, ensemble]

Summary: Because in a world of such uncertainty and carefully veiled half-truths, it's comforting to know that some things are unyielding.

"Of Ghosts and Gremlins" by AlkalineTeegan (alkalineteegan )
[T, Tony, Jimmy, set between season 3 and 4]

Summary: A post-"Hiatus" exploration of how Tony and Jimmy might have become friends.

"Fitting Pieces" by Detour
[T, Tony, Gibbs, pre-series, written before 8x22 "Baltimore"]

Quote: The cops on scene weren't having problems keeping the perimeter clear, but one stupid tourist with a camera had started taking pictures, and suddenly a half dozen people were trying to snap a souvenir, making it a busy evening. Cameras were confiscated, and threats of being taken to a holding cell issued, but neither the cops nor the onlookers seemed extremely concerned. It was just a dance, and one none were more practiced in than the reporters who camped to the side of the observers. But even they were strangely listless, saying the right words, asking the expected questions, but without strong interest. Murder was not a novel concept in Baltimore.

ensemble, gibbs, tony/ziva, tony/mcgee, ziva, abby, gibbs/diane, ncis, mcgee, recs, weekly recs, tony, gibbs/tony, gibbs/jenny

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