Mar 14, 2006 16:06

i got the awesomest rejection letter ever today! (at first it was uh.. i though it was a letter from my mom, what with the stickers and all...)\

i shall live the dream!

read more about it behind the cut in my aim with lauren just now :)

(15:51:13) kewl fuzZy bear: hello :)
(15:51:16) somerandomblond: hey
(15:51:24) kewl fuzZy bear: how it goes?
(15:51:41) somerandomblond: fine, i just got some photos emailed to me from carnaval
(15:51:50) kewl fuzZy bear: cool
(15:52:10) kewl fuzZy bear: feeling better, yet?
(15:52:23) somerandomblond: yeah a lot better actually, yay 7 days of meds!
(15:52:38) kewl fuzZy bear: YAY! :)
(15:52:51) somerandomblond: yah well it sucked
(15:52:56) somerandomblond: but i am better and going to class and what not now
(15:53:19) kewl fuzZy bear: me=happy for you :)
(15:53:24) somerandomblond: thanks
(15:53:26) somerandomblond: how ar eyou?
(15:54:02) kewl fuzZy bear: well today i recieved the awesomest rejection letter ever!
(15:54:08) somerandomblond: .........
(15:54:24) kewl fuzZy bear: it was from TOY JOY the toy store down the street
(15:54:42) somerandomblond: ...... fun?
(15:54:47) kewl fuzZy bear: it had all these stickers all over it and stuff
(15:55:32) kewl fuzZy bear: they said i was very likely to be contacted in the future should a new position open up :)
(15:56:02) kewl fuzZy bear: it made me very happy, and it had the salutation "chew well"
(15:57:05) kewl fuzZy bear: then i went to jack in the box and bought another $25 worth of gift card to get a free value meal... everyone at JIB loves me cause i'm all awesome and shit
(15:59:00) kewl fuzZy bear: just recently before i sat down and saw that you were on i was inspired by these events... while going into the stairwell to use the bathroom (strange architecture in this here building) i saw those magic words "roof access"
(15:59:25) somerandomblond: uh oh
(15:59:31) kewl fuzZy bear: so i decided to live the dream and up to the 17th story i went
(16:01:21) kewl fuzZy bear: but i was thwarted by the infamous lock box on the door knob... which is why i'm hoping dave will stop programming HTML at work, and do more important stuff like answer my aim msg asking for the code... he knew it 3-4 years ago
(16:05:14) kewl fuzZy bear: i've decided on a new spelling for my name: r[:)]ss(that's 'ross' with a smiley face in place of the 'o')
(16:05:26) somerandomblond: thta is actually a little bizarre
(16:05:40) somerandomblond: sorry, i am looking at a slidehow of photos from my friend
(16:05:45) kewl fuzZy bear: it doesn't work as well on the internets as it does on paper
(16:06:06) kewl fuzZy bear: nah no needs be sorry go photography! :)

i've decided that everybody loves me because i am the awesomest person on the face of the planet, but not as awesome as the carter family singers, or crista(see recent posts) or jessica mcleod
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