Application for scorched

Apr 27, 2011 20:33

Out of Character Information

player name:  Amanda
player livejournal: clearbones 
where did you find us? PLUUUURK!
are you 16 years of age or older?:  Yup. :D

In Character Information

character name:  Roxas
Fandom:  Kingdom Hearts
Timeline:  Ending of Day 255 >>> Just before he learns that Xion has left the Organization
character's age:  Appearance-wise, he's 14/15 years old...but he's really 255 Days old.

powers, skills, pets and equipment:
  • Summoning the Keyblade: a magical weapon of light, it enhances his physical strength immensely, it also includes being incredibly adaptable to returning enemy attacks (aka Reaction Commands!)
  • Alternate Keyblade form - Rejection of Fate: Offensive Block (blocks enemy attacks with combos), Defender (boosts defense when health is low), Second Chance (helps survive a fatal blow with extremely low health)
  • Summoning Dark Corridors: it's a lot like teleportation...just with the power of darkness. My own limitation so far is that Roxas can only use dark corridors to connect between places he's seen, but that includes what he sees in a video
  • Magic: Curaga, Aeoraga, Thundaga, Firaga, Blizzaga (And all spells lower than -aga.)
  • Final Limit - Event Horizon: utilizing his light manipulation, Roxas gives his strength and speed an incredible boost while making himself invincible for a few seconds. He cloaks himself in light and also summons four pillars of light that shoot away from him in a straight path.
  • Gliding/Float: legit, he can glide through the air! ...But I don't normally play on this ability too much
  • Haste, Hi-Jump, Sliding Dash
  • Lock-On/Scan (helps targeting/aiming & rough estimate of how much health an enemy has)

canon history:  Here's his Wiki page, but see below for...a wall of text that is his history if you really need it.

Roxas is a curious teen with a wide range of emotions (although more subdued in comparison to Sora's outgoing personality). At first, Roxas was very detached from the world during his first week of existence but gradually began to display emotions such as worry or happiness. It was when Namine began messing with Sora's memories that Roxas became very outgoing after waking up while Sora was put to sleep to fix his memories. Always questioning the things around him, Roxas' curiosity gets him into unhappy or unusual circumstances, but it is always useful in helping him find what he's truly looking for: be it Heartless or his Other. His inquisitive nature complements his naivety, yet Roxas can be somewhat distant towards others/humans if they're not part of the Organization. He won't go out of his way to meet people (considering he's been raised by the Organization to stay out of sight), but he's willing to interact with someone if it's part of a mission such as collecting information. If not, then he upholds missions above interacting with people unless he knows they're in danger. In most cases, he would look on and observe others. Though, once he makes a friend, he's very considerate and protective of that person as well as supportive. (He doesn't tolerate anyone badmouthing his friends and will quickly tell the offender off.) Roxas is also most inclined to accept help and is always willing to lend a hand where he might be needed. And for his friends: to the point that he'll do almost anything; even taking double duty or risking his own safety to support them.

Roxas' display of emotions is also very honest, and it might be easy to pinpoint that something is wrong even if he doesn't talk about it. But, his quick emotional response and honest nature can also be his downfall too. With something of a short temper, Roxas may go to extremes that may endanger himself without thinking things through. Once he puts his trust in someone, he expects the truth from them and is very emotionally vulnerable to them in turn. Betrayal leaves him confused, desperate, and quick to lash back. He depends highly on his friends and becomes very lost when his trust is taken advantage of. Another big weakness is Roxas' lack of understanding about the world and himself as well as the fact that he's been raised to believe he cannot feel emotions due to not having a heart. This leads him to being very confused about his own emotions and identity due to recovering Sora's memories that have ended up within him. Fresh to many things, Roxas can also be easily influenced and occasionally suffers moments of existential crisis.

As a quirk, there's no patience towards people who are trying to confuse him, and Roxas is especially quick to retort against teasing or correct the use of nicknames like "kid". To compliment his ability to fight constantly, Roxas has a confident battle ego and doesn't give up easily; he's always willing to accept a good challenge now and then.

why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting?
Roxas is very versatile in that he can basically fit any setting due to his adventures and experiences in other worlds. That and he can easily protect himself too plus control magic. He'd be able to fend for himself.

Writing Samples

Network Post Sample: Here's a post from a game!
Edit: Here's the another post, sorry! ;w;

Third Person Sample:
The 255th Day; it had been taken up with a long, grueling mission to Wonderland, accentuated with mazes and those fuzzy blurs of pictures in his head. Dreaming while he wasn't even asleep? Unusual, but they weren't uncommon to him now. They were frustrating and even distracting...yet the images of the boy in red were never unwanted. It was only the time he spent on the clock tower that seemed to keep his mind of edge...Except today was not the case. The only way he could unwind was with his best friends by his side, but Xion was the missing component and Axel was acting off.

"Worried? Heh...that's funny," Roxas chuckled dryly to himself as he slumped against one of the couches in The Grey Area. "They'd laugh at me if they knew."

But Xion wouldn't. Maybe Axel would jokingly, but he could imagine the look in Xion's eyes if he did say it; something like understanding written deep down in blue. And Roxas wanted to see those eyes again even if they were hood-covered; he wanted to see his friend step out from the darkness so he could actually talk to her. It had been a little more than 20 days since she first seemed off, yet this time he wanted to speak up, to talk her through things. Maybe he waited too long to decide, but if he could fix things now and see her smile again then they could all go back to eating ice cream. And that's what best friends were for, right? Being there for each other.

It didn't help that it was already late though, and he was beginning to sink a little too comfortably against the couch. Eyes drooping, his gaze lingered over the metallic floor before shifting to the haunting figure in the sky. The body of Kingdom Hearts hung high in the darkness, glowing eerily as it pulled at his thoughts. Thoughts that brought questions which invited doubt that filled his mind and obscured his hopeful intentions. What good was Kingdom Hearts if Xion couldn't enjoy it...? He would pick ice cream over working towards collecting hearts any day if it meant his friends were happier that way.

"It's really late..." Roxas' eyes drooped closed as he wondered to himself before finally sitting up and beginning to shuffle towards his room. "Guess I must've missed her. Better get some sleep so I can catch her early tomorrow..."

Anything else? He likes ice cream a lot.


Awakened in Twilight Town, Roxas is discovered and adopted into the Organization XIII by their leader, Xemnas, after receiving his name; an anagram of "SORA" with an X added in. Axel is the first member to be assigned to watch Roxas and is the first person to introduce sea-salt ice cream to him before Organization XIII declares him as an official member. The next few missions after his first week introduces Roxas to other members of the Organization and the basics of fighting as well as explaining his role in making Kingdom Hearts. As he learns more about the Organization's goals and the nature of being a Nobody, many new questions come up and are left unanswered, yet Roxas pledges to fight against the darkness to become whole. During Roxas' first official mission with Axel, he learns the concept of laughter and friendship by observing Hayner, Pence, and Olette in Twilight Town; subsequently, Axel's explanation of the two makes Roxas associates one with the other as well as ice cream. Roxas continues to enjoy Axel's company as well as finding an oddly familiar comfort in sea-salt ice cream. Sadly, his time with Axel runs short when he announces his long-term mission at Castle Oblivion. Axel leaves before Roxas finishes his ice cream, finding the stick to read "WINNER" and wondering what it means. The next day, Axel goes off to his assignment at Castle Oblivion leaving Roxas to continue missions with other members and question the meaning behind his "WINNER" stick. Roxas is assigned missions with Xion and continues to have ice cream by himself at the clock tower. After Xion begins to open up, they quickly become friends after they find out that she too can wield the Keyblade. A few days later, Roxas begins to worry over Axel's safety when it is reported by the Dusks that the Organization members at Castle Oblivion are slowly being taken down. Visiting Agrabah, Roxas goes into a coma state after receiving Sora's memories and takes him 24 Days to wake up. During that time, Roxas dreams about Namine, meeting Xemnas at the Dark Margin (explaining that he's met Sora and silently mouthing his true name), and wakes up to a dream of Kairi waking up Sora. Also, several members visit Roxas while unconscious. The first is Xemnas and Saix; it's revealed that Roxas' unconscious state is due to the fact that Namine has begun to rid Sora of the fake memories she implanted in him. Xemnas also privately wonders, "So, sleep has taken you yet again...", most likely because of Roxas' exact resemblance to Ventus. Xion visits too, leaving a shell for every day that he's a sleep and tells him of her missions. When Roxas finally wakes, he goes on a mission with Xion and she instructs him to hold one of the shells up to his ear. Roxas hearing the imitation of waves at the ocean and gets a flash of Kairi and Sora at the docks on Destiny Islands. The next day, Roxas finds out that all the members at Castle Oblivion have been eliminated; not understanding the sadness he feels towards losing Axel, Roxas is confused by the choked up sensation he experiences. Sora's memories pop up too, leaving Roxas more confused from his dreams and the flashes he has while he's awake. Axel returns, much to Roxas' surprise and relief as the choked up sensation disappears. Sharing ice cream again, both Axel and Roxas note that they're more outgoing with Axel hinting that Sora saved him at Castle Oblivion which goes unnoticed by Roxas. Ten days later, Roxas finds out Xion has gone missing after being sent out on a mission. Axel and Roxas then go to find her in Twilight Town, rescue her from the large Heartless she was assigned to dispose of, and they head to the clock tower. Xion reveals that she can no longer wield the Keyblade and the trio devise a plan to help Xion get it back. At this time, Xion officially becomes friends with Axel and Roxas, and Roxas learns that friends help each other out besides just having ice cream together. Roxas takes on the duty to work harder to make up for Xion's heart collection as well as taking on missions together. Going on a mission to Agrabah, Roxas recieves more flashes of Sora after meeting Genie and learns about best friends: friends who are inseparable even if not always together. Roxas doesn't seem to register that he, Axel and Xion could be friends though. Later, Organization XIII is summoned to observe the makings of Kingdom Hearts, but Roxas begins to question why he's collecting hearts for it; though, he passes it off for not understanding because he doesn't have a heart and that's why he's building it. Another mission leads to the trio talking about their pasts at the clock tower. Xion and Roxas admit that they don't have memories from before, leaving Roxas to wonder who he was in the past. Assigned a mission at Beast's Castle, Roxas lends Xion his Keyblade to get the hang of it again. They succeed in killing a large Heartless, Xion returns Roxas' Keyblade, and she successfully summons back her own. Both excited and overjoyed, they return to the clock tower for Xion to show off her Keyblade to Axel. The trio continue to hang out at the clock tower as they work to build Kingdom Hearts, and Roxas cherishes the moments. Traveling to the Coliseum, Roxas begins to experience more flashes of memories and wonders if he's going crazy for seeing the "boy in red" again. The next day, the whole Organization gets a Vacation Day, leaving Roxas confused on what he should do with his spare time. He then goes to Twilight Town for ice cream, but runs into Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Although acting distant and unsure how to deal with the unexpected situation, he plays with the trio. Axel then meets him at the clock tower for ice cream and explains that the trio is on summer vacation. Surprised by the length of time given for their vacation, Roxas admits that he could only handle a week at most, unsure how he would spend all the time with nothing set for him to do. Axel also announces that he'll be away for another secret mission when Xion arrives, but Roxas later remembers that he hasn't given Axel the WINNER stick yet. Another mission at Beast's Castle leads to Roxas wondering why it would be a weakness to want to protect something; he can't wrap his mind around the idea of caring for something so much. A new world appears later, Halloween Town, and Axel returns from his mission afterward but Xion doesn't (due to her confrontation of meeting Riku and setting doubts about herself and the keyblade). Roxas finally decides against giving Axel the WINNER stick until he finds one to give to Xion too, thinking it would be unfair to only give one to Axel. Another mission later, Roxas finds out that she messed up to defeat the mysterious person who's been wearing the Organization coat (Riku) and notices that Xion seems more withdrawn into her thoughts. It's revealed that Xion has also been affected by Sora's memories; being copies from Roxas. When Xion doesn't show up the next day, Roxas fears that she might be mad at him for something and Axel tries to reassure him that it's just a girl thing. He begins spending time alone when Axel's busy and Xion being more withdrawn. Roxas feels it's not the same though, feeling that eating ice cream is just a motion he's going through to get on in life without his friends. Feeling lost at this point, Roxas begins to wonder when he should talk to Xion about the dreams he's been experiencing after guessing that Xion must be going through them too. Roxas explores Wonderland and then recieves another mission at Beast's Castle: there, he learns about love being a special power from Xaldin and Axel, but that you need a heart to understand it. Axel's explanation is unsatisfactory though and Roxas starts to see Axel as dodging questions. The next day, Roxas discovers that Xion has failed another mission and is in a coma. He goes to see her before leaving for his mission and is confronted by Saix. After Saix calls her a defect, Roxas becomes angry and defensive for his friend, yelling at Saix before taking off to see Xion. Leaving seashells for Xion and continuing his mission, Roxas sees Sora in Wonderland and is still confused by the nature of the memories. He also decides to work harder while she's asleep and wants to make things work out so that Xion doesn't have to wake to anything stressful and can smile again. Visiting Neverland for the first time, Roxas meets Tinkerbell and learns to fly after receiving pixie dust and following Sora's memories; the feeling of flying feels familiar and he wonders if "the guy in red" has flown before. Xion finally wakes up and the trio go on a three-man mission, but Xion collapses from a memory flash (seeing Kairi's heart merge with Sora at Destiny Islands, Sora's Keyblade resonating in Hollow Bastion, and Kairi giving the Oathkeeper charm to Sora). Worried, Axel and Roxas return Xion to the Castle and have a brief confrontation with Saix. Roxas then wonders why Axel is doing so much for them, stating that Axel hates complications; Axel explains that he goes out of his way for them because they're best friends and that best friends deal with complications. Later, Roxas and Axel go on a mission to Neverland where Roxas shows Axel how to fly with the help of Tinkerbell. Meeting up at the clock tower again, Xion seems off as the memories begin to take a heavy toll on her. It is then revealed that Namine can't continue to piece Sora's memories back together because Xion is interfering by copying those memories (specifically the ones of Kairi) and will eventually be destroyed because of it. Roxas begins to notice that Xion has been acting off again, and Axel suggests that they should all go to the beach next vacation day. Later, Roxas meets Xion at the clock tower but she leaves early, making Roxas worry more as she goes off to access the Organization XIIIth's database for an investigation of her identity. During Day 255, Roxas meets Axel at the clock tower, but Xion doesn't show. Axel lies when asked, saying that she was sent off on an important mission; this adds to Roxas' confusion as he stops to think that Axel has not been acting like himself. Roxas will be pulled at the very beginning of Day 256 before he finds out that Xion has run away.
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