Fully dressed Sora came back out of his room, leaving the door open to see if Cassandra or Valentine were back yet. He was anxious to get going to find out what happened toe Namine and most importantly, get her back.
This had to be a keyblade. It was a large key, and seemed to exist for the purpose of smacking people around with.
And it was heavy. If Valentine seemed slightly short of breath when he arrived at Sora's door, it was because he had run all the way with the largest key he had seen in his life slung over his shoulder.
Cassandra was wearing her suit when she arrived. She had the cowl peeled back and was adjusting her gloves, frowning thoughtfully as she gave both Sora and Valentine a single curt nod to share between them.
Sora smiled seeing his keyblade and held out his hand. The Giant bludgeoning toolblade disappeared from Valentine's shoulders and reappeared in Sora's hand and he quickly attached the new
keychain and nodded with satisfaction as it transformed. "I think I have an idea of where they might have taken her..."
"Well, that's good, then!" Valentine gave a nod of his head. "We ought to leave immediately!"
Instead of suggesting that this might not be the best situation, what with the potential for violence, to involve Valentine in Cassandra nodded to Sora, "I'm ready."
"Right, let's go," Sora nodded and paused a moment as his confidence drained from his face.
This was normally the time that Jiminey, Goofy or Donald would suggest where they go next and the brunette almost looked at his shoulder expectantly. "So.. uhm, if it was the Organization that took Namine, they probably would have taken her back to theri world. I'm just not sure where.."
Valentine stared at Sora for a moment. If a pin dropped at about this point, they'd have been sure to hear it.
"You... don't know?"
Cassandra offered a silent shrug. It was also a very eloquent shrug and seemed to suggest something like "Well, I have no idea where they would go, but we should find someone who does and hit them until they tell us".
"I know someone like that!" Sora perked up immediately. "Let's go ask Demyx."
And really hope he didn't start freaking out again about Sora killing him before.
Valentine was biting his tongue. Valentine was biting his tongue. Valentine was--
"If I find out he had anything to do with them taking her, I'll shove his sitar so far down his throat..."
This was not in any way a protest, mind you. If anyone out there would know where the Organization was bound to keep helpless kidnapped girls, it would be, of course, a member.
Instead of asking "Who's Demyx?" Cassandra nodded and waved for someone-who-knew-where-they-were-going to lead the way.
"Demyx used to be one of the Organization," Sora explained as he headed towards Demyx's room and knocked sharply on the door. "Hey Demyx!?"
If anyone knew, hopefully Demyx would.
There was a flaily-sounding crash behind the door, then a long pause, and finally the Nobody in question opened the door and peeked out. "Oh, uh, hi Sora!" He looked behind Sora, at the other people in the hall. "...What's wrong?"
"Somebody has taken off with Naminé," Valentine snapped from somewhere behind the pair of heroes, a scowl on his lips. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
Demyx blinked slowly. "Taken off with Naminé? Why would I do that? I'm not Marluxia!" He made a face. "Don't be rude."
"Do you know if the Organization was here Demyx?" Sora asked, sounding slightly more calm. "Or where they would have taken her?"
"The Organization was here?!" Demyx's voiced raised into an undignified squeak, and he looked around quickly. "Ohh maaann...Xemnas would kill me." He paused for a moment. "If I wasn't already dead, I mean. Because it's hard to kill a dead person. Unless they're undead, but that's something else entirely, and I don't think I'm undead..."
He trailed off, and flailed to make up for the rambling. "So what do you want from me?? I haven't done anything!"
"I want her back." Valentine was rather used to Demyx's penchant for talking himself into circles. This did not mean that he had the patience for it, today. "And provided you can't do that much, at the very least a map couldn't hurt."
He was doing a very admirable job biting his tongue, really. Leaping over Sora and Cass and attempting to strangle the Nobody wasn't going to get Naminé back, after all.
Sora put a hand on Valentine's shoulder in a lame attempt to hold him back if need be. "Uhh... yeah a map would be great if you could give us one Demyx!" He grinned. "I mean, I know how to get to the Castle, but not where they'd be holdign Namine."
"A map? A castle map? What castle?" Demyx looked from Valentine to Sora, and hoped very much that Sora would keep Valentine from killing him. Or whatever could happen to pre-dead Nobodies.
Sora just stared at Demyx.
"Uhmm.. the big giant freaking looking castle thing you guys all lived in? I mean, I'm kind of going out on a limb that that's where they took her."
"The World That Never Was?" Demyx asked, scratching his head. "You...want a map? Uh, I guess I can try? I'm no artist, though." He went over to his desk, picking up a piece of music paper and scribbling quickly on it. He muttered to himself, adding bits and pieces and scribbling and replacing. Finally, he handed the scrawled-on sheet to Sora.
"That might help? I can't say how accurate it is, since I've been gone so long now."
"You would know it better than I would," Sora pointed out. "I only know how to get to the castle, not how to find things inside."
"Well, I hope it works? If it doesn't, you have a Keyblade, and you know how to bash things with it?" Demyx rubbed the back of his head, knowing that one all too well. "....You don't want me to come with you, do you?" he asked apprehensively, the look on his face clearly saying 'please say no'.
"Hell no," came the reply from a somewhat more-grumpy-than-usual Valentine. "The last thing we need is a former member of the organization tromping about and complicating things."
Many things. Very complicated. Bad.
"He's right Demyx," Sora nodded and looked over the crudely made map. "I think it might cause more problems."
He turned back to the others and took a deep breath. "Come on, we've got some chipmunks and a Gummi Ship to catch."
(OOC: Preplayed by the way-cool
iseewhatyoumean, and
key_of_heart. NFI, but broadcast is fine, and OOC is love and this happened right after the other one. REALLY)