OOC: Info post of crack and distraction

Aug 31, 2007 22:14

Heartless, Nobodies, Keyblades and other things that just don't add up

Kingdom Hearts is the product of the unholy union of Square Enix and Disney, that everyone loves but some people have a hard time admitting.

The story focuses around Sora, whose home gets eaten up by giant black bug like creatures, called Heartless. I think they’re kinda cute in a way and they’re always smiling and happy to see you! Sora ends up on another world where he finds out that he’s chosen of the Keyblade, the only thing able to defeat the heartless. (More on that later). Donald Duck and Goofy had been sent by their King Mickey to find the Keyblade bearer and help him out on his journey to protect worlds from the damage that heartless could wreak.

What are Heartless you ask? Heartless are voracious and animalistic creatures that go from world to world stealing hearts to try and replace the ones that they lost to the Darkness within themselves. What’s the Darkness? Uhmm… it’s bad. The way it’s explained is that everyone has light and dark inside of them and if they get too much darkness, they become a Heartless. See makes perfect sense!


Moving on!

Thus began the journey that spanned 3 games (with more on the way according to the creator) and lead Sora and his friends through various Disney worlds, fighting villains like Hades, Maleficent and Ursula, saving damsels, fighting monsters, saving the world from eternal darkness, typical hero stuff right?

Yeah, except not.

We add into the mix creatures called Nobodies that are the mind and body left behind when someone gets turned into a heartless, but they too search endlessly for the hearts that they lost and aren’t as cute and as happy to see you. They’re super smart like super intelligent sharks with laser beams on their heads and yes, some of them are that fricking annoying and scary.

Some Nobodies that were born when someone of particular spirit and strength are turned to a heartless retain their human appearance and intelligence, the most powerful of which was a group calling themselves Organization XIII.

The only thing that effectively wins against any of these enemies is the legendary Keyblade only to be wielded by those with a pure heart….. yeah, sooo not going into that after the new revelations about this thing called the “Keyblade War” that’s been hinted at for KH3 and some really heavy hints given in the first and second game that the bearer of the keyblade destroy’s peace and brings ruin. Fun times there! Sora’s a good guy though, so there’s nothing to worry about there. Nothing at all.

But as the way with these sort of stories, especially the ones with the Disney twist to them, the good guys kick the bad guys asses and the day is saved.

Obviously a better summary of the story can be found over here or even on his info page as well, but just a heads up that they’re both spoilerific.

Fandom: The Safer Option?

At the end of Kingdom Hearts II Sora and his friends are safe at home, settling back into their lives after being gone for a really long time when they receive a note from King Mickey. In canon what is said on the note is never revealed but for Fandom it’s a letter to Sora explaining that he’s being sent to Fandom High. Things were settled down and Sora was happy being home with his friends and family, but King Mickey, ever thinking ahead, was still worried that someone might pick up where Xemnas and Ansem left off and come after Sora at his home. Hearing about Fandom in his travels through the world, Mickey STRONGLY suggested that Sora go there for school, where it would be the most safe and his family and friends couldn’t agree more.

But srsly Mickey, what were you thinking?

The Chosen One.

Sora is the Chosen the Keyblade, blessed and cursed with the pure heart to bear the weapon and save the world from Darkness. There seriously needs to be a club for people like this, Anakin can be their faculty advisor or something.

The Keyblade does only go to someone with a pure heart and Sora totally fits the bill. He’s a bubbly, friendly, eager sixteen-year-old with shocking blue eyes and brown hair that looks like he’s stuck his finger in a light socket too many times. While prone to mischief, Sora does have a strong sense of justice developed over the course of the game as he protected world after world from being invaded by Heartless and Nobodies, and immediately jumped to the aid of anyone who he thought needed help. Sora makes friends with nearly everyone that he meets and wins people over with his bright smile, good out look on life, and a sense of innocence about him; he even gets the sober Cloud and Leon (Squall) to crack smiles. In the game, even when things were crashing down around him, Sora always looked on the bright side with an unwavering idealism that things would work out all right no matter what. Sora doesn’t always catch on to anything subtle. It took him the length of the game to discover that the reason the Organization was calling him ‘Roxas’ was because that was his nobody; even then, Riku had to point it out to him. He’s on the naïve side and unless warned, he has a tendency to take things at face value, trust people more than he should, and doesn’t think before he speaks.

Identical Cousins?

Sora is Roxas. Roxas is Sora. Confused? That’s okay, we all are. Roxas is Sora’s nobody who came about from Sora’s really brief stint as a heartless in the first game. Yes, he turned back from being a heartless. How? Through the power of friendship and love.

...Don’t laugh, that’s what they say did it.

Anywho, during that really small period of time Roxas came into existence and because Sora had stayed a heartless for only a brief period of time Roxas didn’t know anything about who he really was unlike the other Nobodies and Sora didn’t realize that he was missing part of himself. I try not to think about it too much, it caused many a headache.

Either way at the beginning of the second Kingdom Hearts game Roxas and Sora are -for lack of a better term- combined back together in a very NOT dirty way. Cause that smacks of really messed up masturbation right there. With Sora never even realizing that Roxas existed until he’s told at the end of the game about him.

A Keychain for every occasion.

As we’ve established Sora has the Keyblade. It can open and close any lock and defeats heartless and Nobodies. Through his journey’s Sora was also given the gift of magic by many people which follows along the typical RPG fashion in the elemental magics and healing magics. He has some magic that’s all his own, called drives, but without Donald, Goofy and Mickey he’s not able to access any of them except for one called Ultimate, but because there is a risk that Sora could turn into an anti, dark form of himself the more he uses it, he no longer uses the drives except in extreme circumstances. That would only be used in case of a lifer or death situation with approval because OMG.

You look familiar...

There are a lot of cross over in Kingdom Hearts from different Disney cartoons and Final Fantasy games, the ones that really matter here are Hades, Tinker Bell, Squall (in Kingdom Hearts Squall calls himself Leon and pitches a fit if people call him Squall) and Rikku (though she was a tiny thieving fairy at the time). Sora’s probably going to have a major reaction to them being at the same place he is, though it might take a little bit for him to understand that they’re not the ones he knows. Isn’t dimensional travel fun?!

Questions? Comments? Heartless?

info post, ooc

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