Title: The Dr. Maxwell S.H. Institution: Chapter 11
Word Count: 4021
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Apologies for the lateness of this - 4 months(!!), oops. But, you know, it's just that shorter fics are so much easier to write, and I've been terribly busy in RL, and with other fandoms and being lazy and procrastinating this and hobbies. Oh and, you know, now
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Comments 16
I really like this fic, and I was afraid you wouldn't continue it...
You know, even though I hardly know you a lot, I can see you in your John and Paul... the whole dream of "making it" with music.... It's sweet!
Oh, I really hate Stu in this chapter! The coward!! If I were Paul, I would have smacked him right then at the provocation that his love for Astrid was "better". *grrr*
(btw, I'm quite sure you "do" homework, not "make" it. ;)
LOOOOL. Yeah well, obviously. But then what about your Melissa? ;)
^^ Maybe... later on?
(ugh, yeah, you're right... I triple checked it, and even then I make a mistake... thank you for pointing it out)
Uh... besides being a woman and liking paul, I don't think I have much in common w/ Melissa.
thank you. :)
But hey, I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about it ^^
Just don't do that to me again! XD
I like your bunch of characters and their dynamics so much;)))
A new boy from Liverpool? It's George, tell me it's George!!!
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