Title: The Dr. Maxwell S.H. Institution (Chapter 12a)
Word Count: 6.254
Rating: NC-17 (graphic sex/filth ahead! -um, except not really)
A/N: This is rapidly (okay, no, not really rapid at all) turning into “the most epic amount of time taking fic I ever wrote, EVER”. Yes. It has nearly taken me about a year and a half (I'm lying - it is more) to
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Comments 14
Anyroad! I totally love the fact that they were so geared up to have sex, and then...nothing. :D And yay, banter!
*waits for next chapter* ;)
And I think everybody tastes gross after being sick, lol. Although I doubt whether Paul actually cares all that much? I think he's more worried about possibly getting sick himself.
Everyone tastes gross after being sick. Even the person who was sick. Bleaargh.
Heh, I would totally worry about getting sick myself too. If only to rationalise it as 'if I get sick, that means I'll have to wait double the time to kiss John!' And now, I realise that makes very little sense but I'm sure it'll work for Paul. In a rationalise-ey way. xD
Hahahahaha, I totally thought that was what Paul would think too xD
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this updated. For so long this had been one of my favorite fics over JHP, but then I kinda of lost any hope to see a new chapter. Surprisingly enough, reading this it feels as if there was never "any gap", I just fell into the story again.
I think the change from hot about-to-happen-sex to let's-go-for-a-walk-instead was kind of fast. I don't think a couple of horny and hard - home alone - teenage boys would've given up so easily. lol On the other hand I obviously like the buildup, and I'm sure you're going to deliver something beautiful when it does happen, dear. =)
I'm glad you didn't feel there has been half a yaer between updating! (There HAS though).
Either way, I suppose John just gave up the hope on having sex with Paul. They frustrated me to no end in this chapter - as you see, I tried to get them going twice but they failed epically at doing so *headdesk*. If it's going to continue, I don't know whether it's going to be beautiful -it might as well be nastily in the forest near the institution or in some alley in Liverpool while they both are cold and shivering xD
Yay, they decided to go further in their relationship! And John offered to bottom...aww that's so sweet of him :)
I loved this chapter, it's left me with such a fluffy warm feeling. They are just so sweet together <3 I hope you do update soon, I hate waiting so much :( - infact, this is the only fic that I've ever stuck by chapter by chapter, since I generally only read fics if they're already fully completed. So please don't make me suffer! *whimpers*
(I'm sorry, I did not mean for that to sound like a threat, dear. Please write at your own pace and ignore me :|)
Thank you for your comment! And it doesn't sound like a threat... Alright, maybe it does a little but I asked about it, too ;)
At least I found this www.writeordie.drwicked.com site... It really helps, lol.
I also loved the banter. It was so cute and funny. I am glad you are planning to finish this. It's one of my favorite fics. I hope it doesn't take as long to post the next chapter. :)
^^ I don't know how long it will take, but probably not as long. I just first have to finish a crackfic from Martha's pov, get writing on a collabthing with quazonic, and (most importantly) write some poems for a contest xx
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I still love that they're so very young and clumsy and couldn't get sex right, that they have all these emotions and don't know what to do with them. It's realistic and not perfect by a long shot, but that's why it's lovely and refreshing, the uncertainty of it, am I doing this right or fucking it up, all of that. A golden star for you:)))
AND HEY. THAT IS WHAT TEENAGE SEX IS YES? Especially when both parties are unexperienced.
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