
Jan 22, 2005 23:02

ok i stole this from erica but i liked it alot

Comment anonymously and tell me:

1. One secret.
2. One compliment.
3. One random thing.
4. One love note.
5. Lyrics to a song.
6. How old you are.
7. How long we've known each other/been friends.
8. And a hint to who you are

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Comments 12

_exhilarating January 23 2005, 04:24:44 UTC
I wrote the thing for it but you can't post anonymously because your journal is friends only. So make this entry public or something, haha.


_exhilarating January 23 2005, 04:40:17 UTC
Okay fine.

1. I love another with every fiber of my being :X
2. You give great choir bag tours.
3. Uranus.
4. Dear Molly, I love you and your blushing giggles.
6. 16.
7. We became better friends this year, but we knew each other last year, yes?
8. I think you already know who this is lol, but in any case: "HAPPY BLEEDING!"


key_to_my_heart January 23 2005, 18:07:14 UTC
::laughs hysterically::

per seh FUH nuh... good times

and i've given many many choir bag tours


x__dreamer January 23 2005, 04:28:58 UTC
Well, I filled this all out anonymously but then it told me I couldn't. So. I'm posting this anyway, because it may amuse you slightly. ^_^

1. One secret. :whispers: It's snowing out!
2. One compliment. You have a pretty singing voice
3. One random thing. fuzzy toe socks
4. One love note.Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
and Molly is too
5. Lyrics to a song. "...The Second Star to the right
shines in the night for you
To tell you that the dreams you plan
Really can come true

The second star to the right,
Shines with a light that’s rare.
And if it’s Never Land you need,
It’s light will lead you there..."
-Second Star to the Right

6. How old you are. Fifteen
7. How long we've known each other/been friends. Heh, this will give me away in a second. Ummm.... since 4th or 5th grade.
8. And a hint to who you are Kill a bug, it makes you feel like a great murderer!"


key_to_my_heart January 23 2005, 18:09:08 UTC

and i <3 you


ps i fixed this entry so you can comment anonymously anonymous January 23 2005, 18:15:43 UTC
hehe this is molly commenting anonymously on her own journal!


anonymous January 23 2005, 18:33:17 UTC
1. One secret- I am scared of the drains in Foran's pool. Like really badly.
2. Molly is one of the biggest choir geeks I've ever met! And you know you take that as a compliment!
3. I am wearing matching socks today.
4. Umm... I love molly! The end!
5. "Like a comet pulled from orbit as it passes the sun. Like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood. Who can say if I've been changed for the better, but because I knew you I have been changed for good"
6. 16. something years old
7. Wow like 4 and a half years. lol.
8. Well sometimes you think I'm your mom... ;D


MOM!! key_to_my_heart January 23 2005, 20:01:22 UTC
hey rachie...you definitely had me stumped until i saw 16 and wicked, but the Mom thing gave it away!


Re: MOM!! catalyst8688 January 23 2005, 20:41:07 UTC
Yeah, I figured the Wicked thing would set ya on the right track, specially cuz we were singin that on the way home from choir the other day, but I figured you don't have THAT many other moms so what the hell. lol.


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