Years roleplaying: Three years RPing online, about seven if you add all the D&D I've done.
Least favourite character?: Strindberg. Not that I don't love him, but his voice is weakest in my head.
Favourite characters?: CUTHBERT. Ahem.
Male or female characters?: Even mix.
Oldest character?: Cuthbert and Alice were apped within a day of each other
Newest character?: Zoe
Most popular character?: Let me think...
Character (type) you've never played?: Er...anyone with magic powers?
Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge?: Cuthbert
Get drunk and pass out?: Strindberg?
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way?: Cuthbert
Get married?: Well, Zoe alreasy is, so...
Be far too hyper for their own good?: ...Cuthbert.
Be raped?: ...Er. Alice, I guess?
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions?: I don't think any would, really.
Get lung cancer?: Cuthbert (Except that everyone in Gilead knows cigarettes prevent lung disease! Er.)
Star in a horror movie?: Well, Cuthbert is from a Stephen King novel, but Strindberg is a depressed absinthe-drinking author, so...
Star in a whore movie?: Weeell...I can see Strindberg as a customer?
Star in a video game?: Bert or Zoe
Make the world a better place?: ...Does helping prevent all of reality from crumbling into nothingness count as making he world a better place?
Have a torrid gay love affair?: ...There's not one that the thought doesn't hurt my brain.
Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love: Zoe
Hate: Cuthbert
Money: Alice
Seduction: Zoe
Lies: Cuthbert
Tragedy: Stindberg
Violence: Cuthbert/Zoe (really can't pick between them there)
Politics: Cuthbert
Fire: Zoe
Ice: Cuthbert
Would you ever...
Play a prostitute?: Maybe
Play a musician?: Sure
Play a pilot?: Depends on how much pilot-jargon I'd have to fake knowledge of.
Play a homosexual?: Sure
Play a paedophile?: ...Most likely not
Play a politician?: Maybe
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut?: Considering I don't do smut?
Play a character who commits incest?: ...Maybe
(All maybes would depend on the character.)