I am very sad. No one wants to read and comment. I guess it is my own fault for being a coward. I cannot, however, understand why I am writing at all. I make a much better beta. Oh well. I guess I will just keep plugging at it.
Today is Father's Day and I completely forgot. However I cannot for the life of me figure out what to get him or even if I should get him something. I mean he has everything he needs and says he has everything he wants. What to do?? What to do?? Prolly nothing at this point but hey at least I asked him.
Thank you for finally getting to the end of a very BAD week. At least now I can catch up with my reading. I have just finished a reather fantastic fic called the Tattoo. It is a HP fanfic with !darkharry! Extremely yummy. I recommend it to everyone who reads HP fanfic.!
Guess I missed the yesturday but oh well. It is no like anyone is reading this but me. I just went to see "Mr and Mrs Smith" Damn good movie! I recommend it to everyone.