The CM from LaCrosse asked why Jacen has not been fired. Here is my reply:
Why hasn't Jacen been fired? There are a few reasons:
1) Continuity. Casey-Pascek made him an Archon for the very reason that he is who he is and he does what he does. Dale-Pascek should act in a manner befitting continuity, even if Dale would have never made that decision.
2) He's far more useful with his leash in my hands than he is as a free agent. It's kind of like a nuclear weapon. I may not agree with them existing, and I may not really want one, but if I'm given control of one, at least I can control if/when it's used. Under me, Frosty/Jacen has not killed or attacked a single PC without calling me and getting the green light first. I assume it worked the same under Casey.
3) He puts his foot in his mouth. He's good at that. He's a Brujah, though. Why should the Brujah Justicar punish a Brujah Archon for being a Brujah? Pascek knew what he was getting into when he gave Jacen the badge, and until Jacen breaks a Tradition or a direct order, I see little reason to fire him.
4) Most of the "stirring" I see are OOC complaints, and I'm not going to punish someone IC for OOC complaints. Most people keep their mouths shut IC, and the ones that do talk talk amongst themselves. The one time someone took the initiative to do something IC, they tried to assassinate him and screwed it up. I don't see why any Justicar would allow someone to get away with publicly, sloppily, and loudly trying to kill one of their direct servants. It shows a lack of respect for the Justicar themselves, and a certain amount of disorder in the hierarchy. Yes, in WW Canon material there is a powerful prince or three that get away with acting against the Justicars and/or their Archons, but they are very, very powerful elders and exceptions to the rule. I didn't protect Jacen from the status strippings he endured for putting his foot in his mouth, however, and I've taken no action against the Princes that did it, and I even forced Jacen to go to Nonclave and apologize to them in person.
5) To use a chess analogy, because I think they're appropriate to Vampire, Archons are rooks, bishops, and knights to be used to advance the Justicar's wants. Sometimes you have to sacrifice or piece or two, but if someone goes after one of your pieces, you try to save it so that you have it to use against them.
6) Because a lot of people think Pompeii is a loud-mouthed baffoon, most don't take him seriously. This works to his advantage when he has an actual job to do.
7) So far, Jacen has been very effective in handling investigations, bringing in criminals, and "getting the job done," as you put it. Every mission he's been given has been completed with diligence and timeliness.