susan, thank you ever-so-much for giving me reason to get out of the house!! if your family gets an owl with any vegetables and a fair amount of ingredients for antidotes, know it was me. you may get a second owl with some sparrow shortbreads, but that's only if i'm able to get to it, since today is even busier than it usually is for me. (i won't bore you lot with details, since it's a bunch of farming tosh, but let it be known it involves stercus potion and nothing says "fun!" like fertilising.) also, for my playmates, if i do get to the sparrow shortbreads -- well, you'll be getting a few, because i can't forget players-in-arms, now can i?
now mind you, i'm sending this all to you because i think it was entirely worth it to leave the confines of the farm to go to susan's, but i really have to tell you about how ridiculous my brother was -- or rather, i suppose i'll show you, because it's easier that way:
i didn't have any purple, which is a pity, seeing as joe shouted himself BLOODY PURPLE and all. it was more of a magenta, actually, kind of like George's work robes. um, oops with the quill; it's been backfiring lately. need a new one. so, you'd think he was my dad the way he was going about business shouting and waving his arms. dad was just "mildly disappointed"! that's good! and mum didn't even say anything, which was a bloody MIRACLE, if you ask me (which you technically are if you're reading this)! but no, joseph "i'm secretly your bloody father because one daughter just isn't enough" bell had to go and chew me head off! bloody hell.
but to be fair to joseph, i did break his promise of being more careful. i thought he was about to cry.
note to self: watch prophet carefully. on one hand, dumbledore doesn't seem the sort to be ashamed of squibs. or is he? i mean, it's not as if we're next-door neighbours or anything. but it's rita "excuse me while i try to pass off storytelling as journalism" skeeter, so who's to know what's really real? buggeryfuck. if anything, i may keep my subscription as a watch of how much bullshite it can pump out. until then, i'll be listening to the wwn for my news until it goes down the tubes entirely. because -- and my brother had a good point -- if the papers go first, broadcast will go second.
i just wish i had a second opinion. even if it was someone who went back in time and proved that dumbledore beat crup puppies and had a cruel bint of a mother.