Title: My Son's Teacher (1/?)
keyminhoceanPairing: Minho/Key
Rating: PG (For now)
Warning: None
Disclaimer: I own no one. It's illegal
Summary: Minho's a single father who never expected to fall in love with his son's kindergarten teacher.
Comment: Hopefully I finish this one since I never finish anything oh my goodness. Ok here we go. Enjoy~
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Comments 3
Please don't forget to update this!
I have a feeling its going to be so uber cute and adorbz. :3
I love it so far!
Gimme gimme gimme more :3
The setting is nice, really nice and so cute, I enjoy this 1st chapter. Very promising ^^ but maybe a little bit of a cliché. Not too sure about it, but I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Good lick and keep up with the good work ♥
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