Title: Movies in the Mind
Fandom: Angel the Series
Character(s) or Pairing: Gwen Raiden
Prompt: 027, Parents
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 328
Big Table:
Big Table Progress: 2/100
Xposted in
varietypack100 The electrical blue lightening bolt ricocheted around Gwen Raiden’s bedroom as she was pulled out of her sleep. The edges of the dream barely hanging on to her waking mind. “Shit.” The word was mumbled as she reached for the ever present long gloves next to her bed.
She hated the feeling that accompanied the thoughts of her parents and she rarely dreamed of those years. It was only when her guard was down, when she was exhausted, that the incident of the first lightning strike came back to haunt her. Not the incident itself, since that was a grand adventure, but her parents reaction when they learned she’d been kissed by Mani’to, the Lenape god of lightning.
The large tree on the edge of the Minnesota lake, of the family summer estate, had been the focus of her dream. Gwen could feel the same excitement that she’d felt waiting to see the face of a god all those years ago. With the surreal landscape of a dream, the movie in her mind had taken an unexpected turn. She was no longer sitting in the comforting arms of the tree, instead Gwen found herself in an overstuffed chair receiving the typical disapproving lectures that her parents had perfected over the years.
It was the look in their eyes that brought back the feelings of inferiority that she’d overcome as an adult. Gwen had learned what the word freak had meant the day that she’d been first struck by lightning. Her parents had whispered it into the phone when they’d called Lydia Thorpe.
Shaking her head in self-disgust, Gwen slid the offending glove off again and felt the electricity crackle around her fingertips. Fucking hell, if she’d let them ruin her life again. A satisfying large bolt of electricity flew from her hands and shattered a vase across the room. “I never did like that anyway.” It wasn’t her parents, but it was a satisfactory substitution for her anger.