I'll agree with
thundercrap. It didn't suck like I thought it would and I'm glad they made it an alternative timeline rather than try to figure out how the hell that would fit in canon. I loved Spock, Bones and Scotty, they made the movie imho. Kirk--- eh he was all right but I'll be honest and say I'm not a huge Kirk fan anyway. My heart will always belong to Pike and Picard as the type of captains that I like. The actor was good and he did do a good representation of him, the back story was a little meh is all. I liked Uhura but that's a given, I always liked Uhura. I liked the flushed out story for her and that they gave her a bigger part even if it was a sort of romantic one. Whatever. They wanted to draw in more people so they used her character. I'll take it.
Now for fangirl squeeage. OMG Ben Cross! *ahem*
When I read that Zachary Quinto was going to be Spock I had reservations. The same ones I had when I read that Hugh Jackman was going to play Wolverine. A roll of the eyes and omg what the hell were they thinking, they just wanted to cash in on popularity. Like with Hugh, I will eat my words. He was a very good Spock and I was impressed.
All in all, it didn't suck and I'll add it to my DVD collection. Would I see it again at the movies? No. Would I recommend it? Sure.