Oct 02, 2010 20:14
Okay, so I know a majority of us have been playing LJRPs together for a few years now, but we've got some fresh faces in here and we all know that memes are fun to fill out. So have Second City's first ~friending meme~
✯ Name:Read more... )
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Comments 47
✯ Age: 29
✯ Your Personal LJ: kikibug13
✯ Characters you play in SC: Justine
✯ Favorite color: Deep dark violet, where it's going towards ultra-violet; and orange
✯ Weapon of choice in zombie apocalypse: Flamethrower. Naturally. (And another muse of mine suggests stakes. His take on things is peculiar.)
✯ Favorite TDF character: hmmm. Thomas, Justine, Harry, Karrin. Ivy. 'los. Occasionally Kincaid.
✯ Ninjas or Pirates: Yes.
✯ Fandoms/Interests: Ahahaha. Mmm. Lois McMaster Bujold. New!Who/Torchwood. Robert A. Heinlein. Jim Butcher. (Obviously.) Zelazny. Tanya Huff, especially the Blood/Smoke books and the show (soon, shows). Supernatural (yeah, don't ask. I actually watch for the characterization, or used to). White Collar. Warehouse 13. The Mentalist. Harry Potter. heh, I even play kids from The Covenant, and that's way more fun than trying to watch the movie for the plot (watching it for the pretty is separate). The Losers. The A-Team. Four Brothers. Human Target. Musicals. Movies, especially the more funky/layered ones. ( ... )
✯ Age: Old enough to be friends with your Mom. ...no, seriously. There's a reason why Original Trek is in my interests - I saw it when it was originally playing on air.
✯ Your Personal LJ: evil_little_dog
✯ Characters you play in SC: Winry Rockbell
✯ Favorite color: Screaming, see you coming around the corner, Yellow
✯ Weapon of choice in zombie apocalypse: 1967 Pontiac Belvedere GTX. With custom modifications.
✯ Favorite TDF character: Mouse. *caff*
✯ Ninjas or Pirates: Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!
✯ Fandoms/Interests: Fullmetal Alchemist, Original Trek, The X-Files, Burn Notice, ghosts/hauntings, dogs dogs dogs, spaghetti.
✯ Anything else?
( ... )
✯ Age: TOO OLD 29
✯ Your Personal LJ: nalina
✯ Characters you play in SC: Laharl, Rozalin and the Doctor
✯ Favorite color: Purple :3
✯ Weapon of choice in zombie apocalypse: KATANA :D
✯ Favorite TDF character: ...I don't really have one yet. Need to read more...
✯ Ninjas or Pirates: NINJAS
✯ Fandoms/Interests: Disgaea, drawing, knitting, Disgaea, Doctor Who, Kenshin, Princess Tutu, Kingdom Hearts, Disgaea, 80's cartoons, Final Fantasy XI, Lion King, Disney, other Nippon Ichi that's not Disgaea... A LOT OF STUFF. |D
✯ Anything else? I... am about to go out so have no time to find something clever to put here. T__T Fail, I know.
✯ Age: 23
✯ Your Personal LJ: spiritsshadow
✯ Characters you play in SC: Edward Elric
✯ Favorite color: Green~
✯ Weapon of choice in zombie apocalypse: SHOOOOTGUN. SHOOT HIM 'FORE HE RUNS NOW.
✯ Favorite TDF character: MISTER :D
✯ Ninjas or Pirates: PIRATES.
✯ Fandoms/Interests: fffff. Super lots. Kingdom Hearts, Doctor Who, Final Fantasy (IX, XI), White Collar, FMA, PotC, uhhh... other stuff...
✯ Anything else?
( ... )
✯ Age: 25
✯ Your Personal LJ: mockeryx
✯ Characters you play in SC: Allen Walker and Billy Kaplan
✯ Favorite color: Blue
✯ Weapon of choice in zombie apocalypse: Crowbar
✯ Favorite TDF character: Morgan
✯ Ninjas or Pirates: Pirates.
✯ Fandoms/Interests: Ho boy here we go. White Collar, Haven, BBC Merlin, Highlander, Warehouse 13, M*A*S*H 4077, D.Gray-man, The Nightangel series, The Dresden Files, Red vs Blue, Halo, Fullmetal alchemist, Kingdom hearts, Pandora Hearts, Redwall series, Guardians of Ga'hoole, World of Warcraft, Heralds of Valdemar, the Lion King, Portal, Anmesia the dark descent, Sonic the Hedgehog, and way more.
✯ Anything else?
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