Title: The Fast Lane
Verse: 616 Verse
Characters/Pairing: Jubilee
Prompt: Road
Word Count: 130
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine obviously.
"Sure to make me lose my mind." She muttered staring out the window of the bus.
"What did you say dear?" The woman next to her looked over from her conversation with someone two seats up.A small smile was plastered on her face as she turned her head.
"Nothing. Just saying goodbye to a few things."
"Oh I know how that is. Been riding these buses all over my entire life. Now when you leave one town it feels like you can never go back again. Trust me, though, Honey. You can always catch a return bus." The woman patted her on the leg turning back to her friend. Jubilee smiled wiping a tear off her face. A return bus, maybe that's what she was on. Or a runaway train.