I have tentatively started tumbling, and you can find me
here. (Not a Norwich fan, but I couldn't resist.) Yeah, yeah. Late to the game and all. So, flisters, any advice, interesting blogs or tips? I'm all eyes.
Anyone doing
shipswap this year? I submitted a few nominations, and was happy to see others nominating rare football pairings. I'm planning to wait and see how I feel after I've gotten my fic written for
futbal_minibang, but I'm nearly certain I'm going to participate. Even if you're not game to write something for it, maybe you want to head over
there and nominate a few fandoms and ships you'd like to see written?
Just a reminder about
futbal_minibang: Author sign-ups close Saturday, January 11, 11:59 p.m. EST. Artist claims will go live Sunday, January 11, at 9 a.m. EST. It's all very exciting!
Finally, anyone read any good books lately? I'm in a reading rut and could use a few suggestions.