I've been trying to get back into writing in this fandom. Despite having some ideas, it didn't want to get down onto paper. So, I'm hoping to jump-start through requests. What's the idea?
- I write mostly gen, with hints at het if you like
- I feel like writing some BBS characters or Destiny trio or both, but I'm open to other suggestions too
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Comments 16
Characters: Any/All of the Destiny Trio
FF crossover: XIII (Vanille and Fang are my favorites, but really anyone would do)
Prompt: first meetings? idk I'm terrible at this prompting thing.
Trade: Sure, if you don't mind me being super slow. xD
Maybe not entirely what you had in mind, but this is the story the characters told me. If you don't like it, just say to word and I'll write you something else, 'kay? ;)
Spoilers: for the end of FFXIII and same for BBS ( ... )
Characters: Terra
Prompt: Last Hope
Trade: Sure thing, just give me a prompt in return~
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