I'm gonna go ahead and put ze theme up xD;; kay. <333
You guys have already suggested awesome themes; themes I'd be too retarded to think up XD;;
cloudxsora suggested rivalry, and that sounds awesome to me. :D So yeah, week four shall be rivalry.
Here are just some things to make sure you understand before submitting icons. :D
x. No animated icons.
x. No spoilers!
x. You may submit up to two icons.
x. Don't advertise your icons; you will be disqualified if found guilty of this.
x. Make sure you've read the rules carefully.
x. Here is an example of how you should enter an icon:
http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i137/aunbreath/kh_stills.png x. You have until Saturday May 20th to submit your icons.
New affiliate. :D
rpg_chorus; a contest for lyrical RPG related icons. Needs members!