"I'll send you an email soon :] " I distinctly remember you saying that in a comment you posted on my lj (in fact I can go read it right now). Sadly I have seen nothing yet. =( I suppose I could email you first but I'm too lazy for that, haha. Neato pictures though bud! I live in too remote of an area for anyone important to come here (although I think I might go to a Hatebreed concert, which actually scares me a little. Not sure how I feel about attending one of their gigs, cuz metal mosh pits scare the crap outta me; I'm still debating whether I should go or not. Besides, they're not a band I'm passionate about (in fact I think I only know 2 of their songs...)). But yeah, you owe me an email! =) I hope to receive it soon! =D
Yayyyy! Ok so I got your email and I read it but I have a paper due tomorrow that I have seriously procrastinated on the 2nd half of, and so I really need to do that first. I will reply to your email when my paper is finished and I find some downtime. Thank you for sending it, I really appreciate it. It's good to catch up with you, esp. because we haven't spoken since practically before summer. =D I'm "on" AIM a lot so feel free to send me an IM, even if I'm away. I like getting messages, it makes me feel loved. And if you actually catch me on on AIM (a.k.a. without an away message up) your IMs are most certainly welcome (although if I don't respond, don't take it personal; it just means I'm uber busy and/or forgot to put up an away message). Thank you again and talk to you soon! =D =D
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