Out of sheer curiousity, the "kids" that said "Dude we just saw Dir en grey at WDW" wouldn't happen to have been a guy with glasses and black eye makeup (wearing jeans and the shirt w/the face from 'Maggots'), and a girl (also with glasses), who's a bit shorter and has jet-black hair? 'Cause if it was it was me and my daughter :)
Heh, I'll say :) When I realized they were playing WDW it was just such a weird fusion of things that aren't supposed to go together that I HAD to see that particular show (I live in DC, got Orlando and Baltimore, wish I had NY too so have a great time!!). I mean, damn. Take your daughter on Snow White, then she gets raped on your grave. A world where those two things collide makes me think maybe there IS a God ;) Besides, it was an excuse to pull my kid out of school and spend a long weekend at the parks (most of which was actually spent speculating on how she and I'd react if Kyo or Die came out wearing a Mouseketeer hat...that and blowing gobs of cash at Mitsukoshi). Cramming WDW and two Diru shows into what, five days? Anyway, it nearly killed me XD Worth every drop of blood and vomit I shed too, even if I am the weird old guy at the club now (flippin Ram's Head bartender thought I was chaperoning and simply refused to believe I was there to see the band. Shoulda worn the eye makeup again
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Comments 34
I'm going to NYC tour!!! i might see youu haha
I wouldn't have known it was you if
didn't make a comment on it XD.
You should have taken up my friend's offer when she asked if you would like her to lift you up~ hehe.
We are so hardcore. XD XD XD
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