One Foot in Normie-Land

Aug 03, 2019 14:58

This (second public in a year) post may be harsh and mean, but srsly guys, it needs to be said. It combines my two favorite gripes: 1.) People who get weird about their dogs -and- 2.) Right wing guys who blame all the problems of the world on women, which is equally as helpful as when left wing women blame everything on guys ( Read more... )

political, psychology, dogs, weirdos, lesson

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Comments 5

coercedbynutmeg August 4 2019, 04:21:39 UTC
I hesitate to comment on public posts as a rule, but here goes.

Far too many guys are infantilized for way too long. My sister married one of those Peter Pan types and the marriage lasted 4 years before she had enough of being his sugar mama while he watched porn, DJed parties, and played around with a Cessna. I have no idea what he's up to now, but I bet his mama sends him a monthly check, and he's in his late 30s.


kharmii August 4 2019, 12:52:38 UTC
They absolutely are babied. You can't tell them anything because all the man-baby coddling women will be like, "That's so could you be like that to such an easy-going, great guy!" I be like, "Yeah, it's easy to be laid-back when you've never had to struggle for self-improvement, suffer any type of hardship or have never raised children, which is something that takes great work/responsibility beyond picking up dog turds out of the yard."


coercedbynutmeg November 20 2019, 05:45:14 UTC
Of course you fail to point out that many women fail miserably at the job of raising children; in fact you contradict yourself by saying that many men are babied--- well its those Great moms who are doing it. You know what my allowance was as a kid? 50 cents a week. Hardly coddling.


kharmii January 15 2021, 01:10:28 UTC
The two anonymous comments are from the Stalker Guy. Oddly enough, he's right in this comment. His own parents adopted him and his sister in their thirties, possibly because the mother waited too long and couldn't have children of her own. My own mother guessed that they must not have disciplined this asshole enough during his own childhood, and that is why he is rude af and has a sense of entitlement, even though multiple supervisors at work have told him to stay away from me.


old people/dogs anonymous October 18 2019, 02:24:09 UTC
Yes old people do get into trouble and cant call for help. My 95 year old aunt lives by herself and doesnt want to move to a senior home, and of course my late mom had a few occasions where she walked out of the house and was found down the street, due to dementia. I and everyone else took care of her best we could, but nothing is foolproof. At least she never fell down the stairs.

Yes 18 dogs is a bit irresponsible, and blame for that goes to whoever allowed this guy to adopt that many dogs. I've known 2 people who had 5, and 1 was my old next door neighbor, and her house sure smelled when you walked in. Dogs require much more care then just picking up their crap (and how many owners cant even do that?), and responsible owners like me make sure they get exercise and medical care as well as food and water.

Lastly I never would think peeing into a snowcone was funny. Not years ago, not now.


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