I am being very terrible to my F-list here on LJ, Something really cool has been going on in my life for the past few months and I haven’t really clued you in or shared it with you. I have made small mentions… but not really told you all. This past weekend on Saturday night at Birka, it was formalized in front of the members of Haus VDK.
So what’s been going on? I have been accepted by a Fighting Teacher- Baron Brennan MacFearghus. We have been working with each other for a few months now and I am already seeing improvement.
I always figured that if I was accepted by a new Muliam it would be for Drumming, Research, Illumination, Garb, or even Service. Fighting caught me out of the blue. He has proven to be an inspiration and the goad that I have needed for sometime. His words of encouragement and support have been pretty influential with me. I am finding that I am leaving my drum at home and fighting more.
At his suggestion and with the assistance of his Squire brother Cullyn. I am currently re-creating my fighting kit over to a full 15c Turkish heavy weapons SCA legal kit.
Daveed Korup advised me when I authorized back in 1997 and skipped his class at war to fight in the field battle, that I would one day have to make a decision and decide which I wanted more- fighting or drumming- Through Brennan, I have been given the choice of instead, to prioritizing these 2 consuming hobbies- it’s not one or the other. I will still be teaching and jamming around, it will just have more of a fun bend to it. Anka Kusu eats up all my spare time with drumming and singing, the SCA will just see more of me fighting as opposed to teaching at fighting events.
I am deeply honored to be his student.