Title: Five Girlfriends Tara Never Had - Claudia Donovan
Rating: PG
Fandom: BtVS/Warehouse 13
Pairing: Claudia Donovan/Tara Maclay
Disclaimer: SyFy owns "Warehouse" and all related characters; Joss Whedon owns "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and all related characters; I own nothing.
Prompt: "Falling" for
5_times , "forever" for
fivebyfiction .
Note: Written for
xoverland .
Claim Table “Claudia, be careful!” Tara called up to her girlfriend. She was standing on the floor of the Warehouse, watching Claudia slowly navigate the rafters in order to repair a flickering lightbulb.
“’m fine!” Claudia’s muffled voice drifted down to where Tara stood. Tara watched Claudia’s slight figure, a worried line creasing her forehead. She didn’t care what Artie and Leena said about the safety of the harness Claudia was using. She didn’t see them crawling around trying to fix things. Her eyes narrowed as they focused on Claudia perched precariously on the metal beam aove her, leaning forward slightly to get a hold of the offending light bulb.
Time seemed to stand still as Claudia leaned forward just an inch too far, throwing off her balance, and causing her to fall. Not even thinking, because that would have taken too much precious time, Tara raised her hand and cast the first spell she could. For a brief second, it looked like the spell hadn’t worked as Claudia kept tumbling towards the ground at the same breakneck speed. Slowly, almost too slowly for Tara, Claudia’s speed began to decrease until she was gently floating towards the ground. Tara, sweat breaking out on her face from the effort it took to control Claudia’s fall, lowered her until Claudia’s feet touched the floor.
Claudia stared wide-eyed at Tara, not saying a word for a few moments.
“How did you do that?” she finally asked, pointing to the air where she had just been.
“Ma-magic,” Tara stuttered. She hadn’t told Claudia about her being a witch. She knew that Claudia saw plenty of strange things in a normal day at the warehouse, but she didn’t know how she would react to this aspect of Tara’s life.
“Magic?” Claudia asked, raising her eyebrows. “Like, casting spells magic and not just using an artifact magic?” Tara nodded slowly, not knowing where Claudia was going with this.
A smile slowly spread across Claudia’s face, and Tara let out the breath she had been involuntarily holding in. “That’s so cool!” she exclaimed, walking over to Tara and giving her a hug. “My girlfriend can do magic. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
“I d-din’t know how you would react,” Tara answered, returning Claudia’s hug and giving her a firm squeeze.
“Dude, that’s awesome that you’re able to do that,” Claudia replied, pulling back slightly. “So, since you’ve been keeping me in the dark, it’s only fair that you fill me in. Like, right now. Come on, we can go back to the house and get some cookies from Leena, and you can tell me everything.” She leaned up and gave Tara a kiss on the cheek. “My girlfriend’s a witch. How cool is that?”
“I guess it is,” Tara answered with a smile, untangling herself from Claudia’s embrace. “I guess it is.”