Title: A City of Invisible Dolls
Crossover: Dollhouse/Veronica Mars
Rating: PG
Summary: Paul Ballard knows the Dollhouse is out there - he just doesn't know where to look.
Disclaimer: "Dollhouse" is owned by Joss Whedon and Fox. "Veronica Mars" is owned by Rob Thomas and the CW.
Notes: Written for
xoverland's ficlet challenge of "FBI."
Paul Ballard absently rubbed his shoulder as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. He knew it was a risk having his files regarding the Dollhouse on a place where they could be erased, but it was easier than carrying around a bunch of papers wherever he went. That wasn't to say he didn't have hard copies--he did--but those were hidden away in case of an emergency. He didn't want to risk losing all of his work because the Dollhouse viewed him as a threat. If that ever happened, he knew he was getting closer to unraveling their mystery.
"Hey, Ballard," a cheery voice called out, snapping him out of his reverie. Looking up, he smiled when he saw his fellow FBI agent, Veronica Mars, leaning against his desk. "You might want to book it if you don't want to miss the meeting."
"Oh, crap, I forgot about that," he groaned, quickly shutting off his computer and standing up. "Thanks for reminding me, Mars."
"It's what I'm here for. That and the coffee," she answered with a smirk, handing him the extra cup that she was holding. Veronica was a relatively new agent, only recently completing training at Quantico, but she and Paul had hit it off with their offbeat senses of humor and respective experiences being outcasts investigating things most people didn't want them looking into. Even though she rolled her eyes at his repeated attempts to get her interested in the Dollhouse, she would hear him out about his theories and offer him counter arguments that he hadn't considered. As time went on, she was turning out to be the only person he considered a friend in the Bureau.
"So, any new and outlandish theories you might be willing to share?" she asked, quickening her pace to keep up with his longer strides.
"You mean so you can mock them?" he asked in a teasing voice. She shook her head, but otherwise didn't respond. Despite Veronica's warning that they were going to be late, they managed to find decent seats towards the back of the auditorium, where they wouldn't draw attention to themselves. Or, rather, so that Paul wouldn't draw too much attention to himself. He had warned Veronica at the start of their friendship what it could mean in terms of her career, only to have her shrug in reply. I wouldn't feel like me if I didn't have authority problems, had been her wry response.
"As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I need to head out," Veronica told Paul after checking her watch after the meeting ended. "I'm meeting my old man for lunch before crashing after last night's stakeout shift."
"I'll see you later, Mars," he replied. She waved good-bye to him as she walked to the elevators. Smiling slightly, Paul pulled up his files again and went back to work.
Adelle DeWitt walked down the hallways of the Los Angeles Dollhouse, thinking about the problem that was Agent Paul Ballard. He was getting too close for her comfort. There might be a need to plant another doll in his life, although she was loathe to do so. That meant fewer options for potential clients to chose from. She needed to see what Quebec had learned before making her decision, however.
Reaching her destination, she walked into Topher's room and stood by the chair as it began to rise. Its occupant looked up, first at her handler and then at Adelle.
"Did I fall asleep?" the petite blonde known to Paul Ballard as Agent Veronica Mars asked in a confused voice.