(no subject)

Jul 13, 2009 23:50

I wear a sports bra when I work out.
I have a belly button piercing.
I donate my hair to cancer patients.
I have a strong immune system.
I get a lot of headaches.
I have had my eyebrow pierced.
I go to a university.
I'm a high school graduate.
I have an account on last.fm.
I have long fingers.
I actually look decent with shoulder-length hair.
It bugs me when people don't return my phone calls.
I'm only fluent in English.
It wouldn't bother me if my boyfriend thought that another girl is attractive.
I need a job.
My first job was at a fast food place.
I've been in lust.
I like most of New Found Glory's cover songs.
I drive a gray car.
I have driven a truck.
I have driven an SUV.
I have driven a car.
I'm Asian.
I've considered joining the military.
I've seen Pineapple Express and I think it's a stupid movie.
I used to have a crush on Nick Stokes from CSI: Las Vegas :)
I have a small butt.
I've taken swimming lessons.
My bra size is a D.
I wouldn't consider plastic surgery unless it was for medical reasons.
I get annoyed easily.
I like bagels with cream cheese.
I do volunteer work, not because of school requirements but because I like it.
I have been a tutor.
I have had at least six piercings so far.
I don't have a tattoo.
I'd like to get a henna tattoo.
I'm a member of Soldier's Angels.
I frequently re-apply chapstick.
I enjoy sushi.
I wear flip flops, even in the winter.
I wear black rimmed glasses.
The sight of blood makes me queasy.
I drink a lot of water.
I own an iPod.
I've done over a thousand surveys.
I'm a huge ice cream fanatic.
I'm in a relationship.
I've never been given a promise ring.
I worry too much.
I make my own layouts.
Roses aren't my favorite flower.
I brush my teeth twice a day.
I have been in the school marching band.
I'm a colorguard girl.
I don't really have a favorite band; there are too many to choose from!
My favorite movie is a romantic comedy.
I've been to Warped Tour.
My phone is currently on vibrate.
I record my own ringtones on my phone.
Orchids are my favorite flower.
I love making mixed CDs for no reason.
Vans are my favorite brand of shoes.
I can burp my ABC's.
I love driving on the freeway.
I admit when I'm at fault.
I'm currently unemployed.
My dad is an engineer.
I only have one sibling.
I don't have any brothers.
There are three computers in my house.
I drive a Toyota.
My mom drives a Honda.
My dad drives a Chevy.
I always have a hair tie around my wrist.
I'm a brunette.
I've never dyed my hair.
I don't really fit into any stereotype.


I'm sick of everyone saying 'You've got Swine!' whenever someone's sick
JONAS was actually a lot better than I thought it would be
I am currently eating a granola bar
Francine was/is my favourite character from Arthur
I love picking the erasers off the ends of pencils
One of my favourite teachers is changing schools
My sports team tied our last game
My significant other is wearing green today
I am currently talking to one of my best friends
I love really windy days
I like slow songs better than fast songs
Mosquito bites actually don't bother me too much
I have bolded every statement on a bolding survey before
There are currently batteries on my desk
The song 'Jizz in My Pants' makes me laugh every time
I think Gordon Ramsay needs anger management classes
Lately, I feel like I'm being pressured to choose a career
I can't draw 'at' (@) symbols
I own a stuffed monkey
It seems to me like not many people on Xanga play sports
Facebook is so boring!
I have liked the same person for over two years
If I met my favourite celebrity I can honestly say I wouldn't lose my cool
There is a wine bottle somewhere in this room
I know someone named Henry
I have recently been accused of something
I never strike out things
Polar bears are my favourite animal
One of the things I don't like about summer is that I tend to get very bored
I love wearing bows in my hair
I have watched 'What the Buck'
I think Harry Potter 6 will be better than Transformers 2
I don't know how to play chess
I am very religious
Math is my best subject but I don't like it
I hate it when someone takes karate or tae-kwon do and they automatically think they're the toughest person ever and could beat up anyone
Orange construction paper is my favourite
I hate neon
I never wear headbands
Time moves faster with each new year
Whenever the doorbell rings, I never answer it unless I'm expecting someone
I love going back to my elementary school to see how things have changed
I prefer popsicles to ice cream
My favourite food is a fruit
Boys may be confusing but so are girls
I watch Mythbusters regularly
I'm so tired of all these sex surveys.
^I actually find those interesting.
I wish I had an Italian nationality.
I don't watch I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here.
My parents wouldn't let a boyfriend sleep over.
I have gotten high with my parents before.
I've never had bronchitis.
But I have had the chicken pox.
I think everybody gets depressed sometimes.
I know oranges and lemons eat away teeth enamel.
Honestly, I don't trust myself.
I've been accused of having an eating disorder.
^In fact, I have one.
I've paid over $150 for one pair of shoes.
Flats give me blisters on my ankles.
We aren't going on vacation this year.
I broke up with my last ex.
My friends have completely different personalities.
I correct misspelled words and improper grammar in survey.
I'm more afraid of snakes than I am spiders.
I've never seen a deer outside of a zoo. [I've never seen one in a zoo...]
^Are you kidding me? I almost hit one everyday!
Martha's Vineyard looks so beautiful.
Overly muscular women should tone it down.
Yes, I still have a VCR.
I would rather have a boy than a girl.
Paramore isn't that great.
Somebody I know has Multiple Sclerosis.
I've been to Italy.
Cowboy hats are sexxxxxy!
American Idol is the most boring show ever.
To be honest, I get along with more girls than I do guys.
Sometimes I cry for no apparent reason.
Somebody in my family is pregnant.
I still love my ex.
My best friend is staying all night tonight.
I love long bolding surveys.
I know someone who makes the best surveys.
I'm certain I'll never do heroin.
Sometimes I wonder what my future children will think of me.
Neutrogena face cleanser doesn't work.
My parents are proud of me.
I know my IQ.
I've known my zodiac sign ever since I was 5.
And I hate my birthstone.
Gangs scare me.
I failed my driver's test.
I prefer oranges over bananas.
I've read The Catcher in the Rye.
I enjoyed it.
The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie.
Sad movies often make me cry.
I've never cried over a movie.
I have a laptop.
My parents don't trust me.
I've been to the beach.
I've never gone bungee jumping.
I think hunting is wrong.
I like fishing though.
But only when I can put them back.
I have a younger brother.
I'd rather listen to loud music than soft music.
Nah, I listen to stuff like Simon and Garfunkel and System of a Down!
I don't like carrying around purses.
I don't have any more than 10 bucks right now.
I need a haircut.
I don't live in the United States.
I like Tim Burton movies.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite one.
I can play the guitar.
Or piano.
One of my bad habits is cracking my knuckles.
I still sleep with stuffed animals.
My boyfriend is the most important thing to me.
I actually kept my New Year's resolution this year.
Summer is my favorite season.
I've been hit on by someone I met online.
I have a digital camera.
I wish I could own a horse.
I've been horseback riding.
I've been to a different country.
I'm wearing something red right now.
I like to swim.
I've been to the mall this week.
I have already started my school shopping.
It's way too hot in my house.
I would like to rent a movie tonight.
My favorite animal is a wild animal.
I own and use a web cam.
My iPod is the color black.
I don't even have an iPod.
I've seen the movie Nacho Libre.
And it was the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life.
My friends make fun of me a lot.
I have played UNO Attack.
Pictionary is my favorite board game.
I like the Math Game on GSN.
I've never had my heart broken.
I think bats are cool creatures!
I watched the movie Grease last night.
I'm wearing shorts.
I've seen a jellyfish at the beach.
Watermelon is my favorite fruit.
I get headaches often.
I'm more on the short side.
I've read the last Harry Potter book.
I watched TV today.
I'm hungry.
I have pale skin.
My grandparents spoil me.
Bears are my favorite animal.
I put on lotion today.
I prefer vanilla over chocolate.
I enjoy road trips.
I would like to go to California. well...i'd like to go back
I like bish music.
I'm on the phone right now.
I like rap.
My music taste varies.
I own at least one soundtrack from a movie.
I've played Vice City.
I like girl voices better than guy voices.
I've been to a baby shower.
I like wolves.
I enjoy reading.
Dance music is my favorite!
I know how to tango.
I took tap dance lessons when I was little.
I know a song by ABBA.
I have a certain CD I listen to every night to help me sleep.
It usually takes me over an hour to go to sleep.
I'm excited for something.
I should be doing something else.
I have a date tonight.
I'll be seeing my boyfriend this weekend.
I have a poster of my favorite band on my wall.
Even more than one.
The speakers to my computer suck.
Math comes easily to me.
I've been proposed to.
I know how to drive.
I took at least one picture of me today.
When I take pictures, I take about 3943843 of them at one time.
And then I don't take them for about another 3 months.
I haven't been on a bike in forever.
I have no idea where mine is right now.
I'm listening to a loud song right now.
I don't really want kids.
I have never been to a concert.
I've been sent flowers.
I've never had a detention.
My mouse pad has a picture on it.
It's actually one of those jelly like kinds.
I love coloring Easter eggs.


1. What is the worst part of being a pet owner?
i think its a tie between death and them getting in the way of your life

2. Is there a memory from your past that haunts you?

3. Would you better describe your last kiss as sweet or sexy?
i dont remember it in detail but from prior knowledge my vote is sexy

4. Do you enjoy animated films?
not usually

5. Do you have a friend who is anorexic or bulimic?

6. Have you ever read someone's personal journal without their knowing?

7. What styling products do you use on your hair?
too many

8. Would you consider yourself eco-friendly?

9. Which do you prefer: sharks or whales?
whales hawalelih... lol

10. Did you reply to the last text in your inbox?
no... the conversation was done by that point

11. Are you lazy when it comes to housework?
i can be

12. Would you like to have an identical twin?
fuck no... that would be one of the creepiest things ever

13. Which of the seven deadly sins applies best to you?
probably gluttony because im such a foodie and all

14. Have you ever had a dream in which you were intimate with someone you are not attracted to?

15. What color is your layout on this website?

16. Do tests make you nervous?

17. When was the last time you clipped your nails?
this morning

19. What color was your hair when you were born?

20. Have you ever had braces? If so, how long did you have them?
yes for under two years i believe

22. Have you ever worn sunglasses inside?

23. What movie or TV show made you cry last?
dont know

24. Do you wear your heart on your sleeve?
couldnt tell you

25. If you could pierce any part of your body, what would it be?
not sure

26. Are the walls of your bedroom smooth or textured?

27. What's going on tomorrow?
dicking around

28. What was the highlight of your day?
texting alfie actually

29. Who's a worse driver: your mom or your dad?
my dad

30. Do you prefer to go out or stay in with your significant other (if you have one)?

31. Are you good at writing about yourself (as in "about me" sections)?
no... i ramble

32. What was the last thing you drew?
a geometric thing

33. How is your hearing?
good for now

34. Which milk do you prefer: chocolate, strawberry, or plain?

35. Do you enjoy Greek mythology?
not so much

36. Do you have toothpicks handy?

37. Do you have any bug bites?

38. Is your tongue long or short?

39. What is your favorite piece of furniture in your room?
perhaps my gnomes

40. Do you believe in astrology?
no but its good for kicks and giggles


Can you name 20 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 20 people.

1. Ian
2. Steph
3. Keith
4. Hans
5. Adam
6. Jason
7. Rachie Babe
8. Trey Bay
9. the cute british guy
10. Emily
11. Shannon
12. Alex
13. Ann
14. Jordan
15. Joe
16. Mike
17. other Joe
18. K
19. Paige
20. James


How did you meet 10?

What would you do if you had never met 6?
i wouldnt have had a freshman project

What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
i dont think james would go for it

If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
i dont know... they would both be pretty good catches... and also, both are currently very taken

Did you ever like 9?
i think his glottal stops are incredibly foxy

have you ever seen 4 cry?

Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?

number 1 and 2 make a good couple?

Describe 8:
a true sweetheart with a tough guy facade

Tell me something about 17:
hes on SASP

What's 7's favorite color?
no clue

What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
im not sure

When was the last time you talked to number 15?

How do you think 19 feels about you?
i think she kind of looks up to me... no idea why though

What language does 13 speak?
many, many

Who is 2 going out with?
a fellow by the name of scott

What grade is 16 in?
soph in college

What is 5's favorite music?
he has a pretty eclectic taste

Would you ever date 3?
in a heartbeat

Is 11 single?
i think so

What is 10s last name?

Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 10?
love her but she is a walking hazard

Where does 18 live?

What do you think about 20?
ive known him for three years and i still dont know... i admire his drive though

What is the best thing about 4?:
hes a good kid

What would you like to tell 14 right now?
i miss kicking ass and taking names with him

How did you meet 9?
he is one of my customers at the coffeehouse

are you going to know 16 forever?
probably not


Have you ever kissed someone with the same name as one of your parents?
- no

What was the last drink you had?
- vanilla creme soda

What was the last movie you saw in theatres?
- dont even know

Where was your default taken?
- Cleveland

Would you go out looking the way you do now?
- sure

What was the last thing you bought?
- a poorly made iced coffee

How many piercings do you have?
- two

What/who do you want?
- a little direction

Are you shy?
- yes and no

What are you wearing?
- clothing

Are you currently wearing make-up?
- yes

Do you have any bumps, bruises, scratches, ect on your body?
- yes

Do any of your exes miss you?
- i hope not

Does anyone love you?
- i dont think romantically

Are you easily confused?
- i can be

Do you think you would make a good wife/husband?
- i think so

Where were you at 8AM this morning?
- sleeping

Do you fall for people easily?
- im not sure

Everything happens for a reason?
- i guess so

How has the week been?
- eh... cant complain

Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can't?
- yes

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
- eh... maybe only out of desperation

Have you ever wanted to be a firefighter?
- no

Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?
- yes but they dont really look like were dating in any of them

Who do you miss?
- keith louis osgood

What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
- a spoon

Are you signed onto AIM?
- yes

If you could have any car what would it be?
- the one i have now

What are you stressed out about?
- figuring my life out

Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
- i have a penny in my back pocket

In the past week have you gotten sick?
- no

In the past week have you gotten your hair cut?
- no

What can't you wait for?
- a few things

What do you do most of your time?
- wait for my life to start

How much clothes do you have in your closet?
- a fair amount

Are you high-maintenance?
- no

Are you guilty of drunk dialing?
- no

Do your parents smoke?
- no

Are you a snob at school?
- no... im one of the dumb kids too often to ever be a snob about school

Last person to hear you cry?
- dont know

Hardest class you have?
- hardest class ive ever taken was legal environment of business followed by statistics in psychology

What kind of mood are you in right now?
- relaxed

When was the last time you drank alcohol?
- last september

Does addiction of anything run in your family?
- yes

Were you born in the country you live in today?
- yes

How do you feel about your relationship status?
- currently content

Last person to make you smile?
- Ian

Are you dating the last person you kissed?
- no

Do you believe that you can change for someone?
- yes but you shouldnt have to

Love or money?
- love

Credit cards or cash?
- cash

Do you get distracted easily?
- yes

Are you growing apart from someone close?
- yes

Do you ever think "what if" about things?
- all too often

Do you judge people you don't know?
- everyone does

Have you ever had your heart broken?
- yes

Do you hate when people smoke around you?
- it depends on what theyre smoking

In the past week have you cried?
- no

Do you have any bruises?
- yes

What about scratches?
- yes


Be completely honest or it doesn't count.

1 What's one thing that would instantly make you dislike a person?
being a jerk

2 What do you do when you need to relax?
i either go for a walk or do some art

3 Why do you think there is war in the world?
ignorance, close-mindedness and differing views

4 Do you think it's OK to sometimes tell lies?
sometimes yes

5 Do you like things in life to stay how they are or change?
some change but not constant change

6 If someone liked you, what would be the best way to let you know?
just say it

7 What are you listening to right now?
a commercial

8 If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first?
i would pay for school and my car

9 Would it change your life?
it would make it a little easier for the time being

10 What was the last thing you purchased?
awful iced coffee

11 What do you do when you're stressed out?
art or go on a walk

12 Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
i cant say for sure

13 Do you believe in aliens?
not in this galaxy

14 Could you forgive a boyfriend or girlfriend who physically hurt you?
probably not but it might have to do with the scenario

15 What's your biggest fear in life?
just screwing up so bad nothing can be done to fix it

16 Do you have best friends

17 Are you afraid of death?
i feel like im at peace with it

18 Do you think parents should stay together for the kids?
no... if its not working, its not working. its better to have kids with a broken home than kids with an angry and hateful home

19 Can money buy happiness?

20 Are you looking forward to anything?

21 Write some lyrics from the song you're listening to?
not listening to a song

22 Do you open up to people easily?
eh... about some things

23 Has anyone given you a compliment today?

24 What do your friends and family call you?
alyssa and the girls at work have taken to calling me lys

25 Has anyone upset you in the last week?
of course

26 What usually causes relationships to end?
a number of things

27 Are you close to your parents?
yes to my mom but not so much with my dad anymore

28 What's the best thing about you?
i dont like to bring other people down when im in a plummet

29 Do you think you would be a good parent?
yes... i think i get called mom for a reason

30 Are you a forgiving person?

31 When was the last time you had your hair cut?
may? i think thats when i last gave myself a snip snip

32 Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?

33 Where is the last place you went out to eat?

34 What's your favorite drink?

35 Do you miss anyone?

36 What were you doing at 3 AM this morning?
just going to bed

37 Who do you hate?
no one really

38 Last Concert you went to?
yeah... my vote is for an IC ensemble

39 Is your room clean?
no no no

40 What are you going to do tomorrow?
this and that

41 What is in store for your future?
not sure

42 Do you take care of your friends while they're sick?
i have been known to dish out cough drops and smuggle oj out of the dining hall

43 When was the last time you purchased something over $500?
earlier this month...

44 Any piercings?

45 Favorite color?
blue, green, red

46 Who's your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?

47 Who was driving the last time you were in a car?

48 Does any part of your body hurt right now?

50 How many tickets do you have?

52 Why are you doing this survey?
i have no idea

53 What does your last text say?

55 what are you craving?
dont know

56 Whats the closest red thing to you?
a pillow

57 What is the last pill you swallowed?
ice cream

58 How did you sleep last night?
all right

59 What was the first thing you thought this morning?
"oh man! i have to wake up!"

60 What did you do last night ?
watched whose line

61 Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
dont know

63 What were you doing at 7 am ?

64 Are there any previous relationships you wish could have lasted longer?
eh... kind of... but mostly for physical reasons
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