(no subject)

Jul 29, 2009 00:54

Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
i would probably tell him to get a room and he would probably give me an ACBA ribbon in return

Do you still talk to the person who hurt you most in your life?

Can you roll a blunt?
never tried

Do you want to know the date of your death?

What comes to mind when I say 69?
my mind is in the gutter at the moment

Last person you hugged?
mah mamma

Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?
cant remember who last did that

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?

Do you say sorry first?

Could you go a whole year without cursing?
it would be a long shot

Do you act differently around the person you like?
couldnt tell you who that is but in that past i dont usually

Have you snuggled with someone you weren't dating?

Are you happy with the way things are going?
for now im content

Who's your favorite redhead?
this one that comes into work that i dont know at all... he can be the nicest person in the world if i dont get to know him

Were you single on Valentine's Day?

Have you smoked a cigarette today?

How's your hair looking?
half done and half messy

Anyone you would like to get things straight with?

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?

Can you recall the last time you liked someone?

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
dont know

How many people do you trust fully?
not many but there are a few

When you're bored in class, what do you usually do?
sleep or doodle

How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
dont know

How would your parents react if you got a tattoo?
they would think its fake

Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed?

Have you ever kissed anyone whos name starts with a: j,e,b,a,s, d,l,or z?

Have you ever kissed someone with tattoos?

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
no clue

Who was the first person to text you on your birthday?
my dad

Are you tired?
kind of

Where were you at noon yesterday?

Would you hug the last person you hugged again?

Name something that made you frown today?
i cant remember frowning

Is there anyone you want to come see you?

Do you believe exes can be friends?
yes given that there are the right conditions in the situation

Do you have a best friend?

Will you be in a relationship within the next week?

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?
im not sure yet

Do you think things will change in the next few months?
things are always changing

What was the last taste in your mouth?

Do you know any of your neighbors?

Who was the last girl you talked to?
my mom

Look at your nails; Do they need to be cut?

Have you been on any type of online messengers today?

What are you wearing on your feet?

About how many hours of sleep did you get last night?
maybe six

What are you currently dressed in?

List three things near you:
blanket, pillow, laptop

What was the last thing you watched on the TV?

What was the last thing you looked up on Google?

Is your hair naturally straight?
far from it

Where did you last kiss the last person you kissed?

When was the last time you went on a cleaning spree?
yesterday... sort of

Where did you get that shirt you're wearing?
no clue

What are you looking forward to?
i know that i should say LA but its hanging out with keith (and possibly liz) when i get home


ONE:: What's your view on...
1. Abortion?: if it didnt exist, we would have a lot more poverty in this country. thats just one of many reasons why we should be able to chose
2. Gay marriage?: so long as two people are in love, it shouldnt matter
3. Younger kids having sex (ex. 12 to 15 year olds)? not okay. you need a level of maturity for sex and im not sure that most 12-15 year olds have that
4. Relationships involving someone younger and someone older (within 6 or more years of age difference)?: as long as both parties are over the age of consent and its sincere
5. Virginity?: its your body and your choice. be mature. be safe.
6. Weed becoming legal?: no thanks
7. War?: it will always exist and its pretty awful
8. Sweat shops?: economically: a good idea. ethically: one of the most awful jobs in the world
9. Global warming?: so what
10. Obama?: i support him

TWO:: Dates and times
11. Time you were born?: 8:37PM
12. Date of your first kiss?: some time in june in 2005 but im not exactly when
13. Time you woke up this morning?: not entirely sure
14. Your birthday?: 5/22
15. The date school got out/gets out?: its debatable... i got to go home on may 18th? i think?
16. Time of your last shift at work (ex. 7 to 12)?: last saturday 11-4
17. Date you last broke up with someone?: i havent
18. Date your first relationship EVER started?: 12/22
19. Current time?: 0117
20. Date you would like to get married (just a year is fine, too)?: no clue

THREE:: Favorites
21. Type of animal print?: not a fan
22. Magazine?: Barista Magazine
23. Boy's name?: Shawn
24. Girl's name?: Teale
25. Clothing item?: this one pair of jeans
26. Pair of shoes you own?: sneakers
27. Hair color (natural or not)?: natural: brown, not: chemical red
28. Trend at the moment?: belts without loops
29. Hair style on you?: faux 1940s-esque or sarah palin bangs
30. Eye color?: green

FOUR:: Song lyrics
Put 10 song lyrics and the songs they're from.
31. "Oh you, you're green. Don't know what love is. Let me tell you. Tickles you pink, oh yeah, but it likes to hear you scream. Fire and damnation, lamentation. for the likes of you." - Babyshambles
32. "I want to go to Heaven for the weather. Hell for the company." -The Streets
33. "She's a crazy independent, Spanish-speaking, arty, flirty, red-wine drinking, sexy tomboy with a natural way of thinking carefree." -No Doubt
34. "I want to sing with you, my love." - Regina Spektor
35. "Come home. Take of my tuna dress, put on my collard greens." - Regina Spektor
36. "AND... NOW... I... LOTHE YOU!" - BNL
37. "She will kiss you till your lips bleed. But she will not take her dress off. Americana, Tropicana." - Regina Spektor
38. "I'm on a boat and it's going fast and I've got a nautical-themed Pashmina afgan. I'm the king of the world--on a boat like Leo. If you're on the shore then you're shore not me, oh." - The Lonely Island
39. "My name is Jorma motherfucker, the sensitive one. I'll buts your motherfucking face with the butt of my gun. Rip off your arms an take your arms with 'em. Spread your ass cheeks and stick my dick in 'em." -The Lonely Island
40. "Miss Mary Ann dressed her man in porcupine clothes, in porcupine clothes. And today as scheduled they make porcupine love, porcupine love." - Regina Spektor

FIVE:: Friends
Name a friend that...
41. Has blonde hair: Emily
42. Is Asian: Ian? Mongolian is Asian right?
43. Doesn't care what anyone thinks of them: Paige
44. Is most likely to get in trouble with the law: Jamie
45. Is the oldest: Jordan
46. Is the youngest: perhaps Miss Kenny
47. Has brown eyes: a lot of them
48. Lives in another state: also a lot of them
49. Is in a grade below you: Jason
50. You've been friends with the longest: Keith.

SIX:: Work (if you're unemployed, apply this to your last job, to school or another place you go often)
51. What do you usually do on break and/or lunch?: i dont get a break
52. What has changed the most since you started working there?: everything
53. Who do you talk to the most there?: whoever im working with
54. What's your boss's name?: Bill and Will
55. How long have you been working there?: three years
56. Where do you work, anyway?: indie coffeehouse
57. How much do you get paid an hour?: $7.15
58. How many hours was your last shift?: six
59. What do you usually buy from there?: everything we sell
60. What day do you get paid?: friday

SEVEN:: Word Association
61. Condom: lube
62. Printer: laser
63. Pad: pantiliner
64. Pencil: ruler
65. Glitter: herpes
66. Rave: glow sticks
67. Fishnets: foxy
68: Pole: stripper
69: Dog: fur
70: Frozen: popsicle

EIGHT:: What were you doing today around...
71. Eight in the morning?: sleep
72. Three in the afternoon?: with keith
73. Seven thirty at night?: doing the dishes
74. Nine thirty in the morning?: just waking up i think
75. Twelve this afternoon?: getting ready
76. Six this evening?: getting dinner ready
77. Three in the morning?: sleeping
78. Eleven at night?: something similar to this
79. One in the afternoon?: with keith
80. Five this evening?: also with keith... and his family

NINE:: Give me a random memory from...
81. Eighth grade: select
82. Seventh grade: music class
83. Yesterday: piano
84. Your last birthday party: thirsty pony
85. Work: chili bloggers
86. Elementary school: nuns
87. Freshman year: hershey
88. Fourth grade: being the teachers pet
89. College: gorges
90. This morning: excited

TEN:: Five Things
91. You want to buy: textbooks, school supplies, plane snacks, avocados, citrus
92. You love about winter: figure skating, hockey, the quiet, nothing, else
93. You need in life: contentness, security, food, shelter, something to hope for
94. Your friends do that bother you: poor timing, taking advantage of me, not trying to get it, things that are just poor choices, bad choices with relationships
95. You'd want to bring on a picnic:sandwiches, a salad, blanket, lemonade, cookies
96. You'd teach your future children (assuming you have kids): hard work, modesty, good character, resourcefulness, kindheartedness
97. About the person you like: dont know
98. You did today: woke up, took a shower, p-mill with keith, hanging out with keith and family, sauce
99. You want to do before you die: meet the love of my life, make babies, start my own business, be truly happy, die satisfied
100. You love to eat: sandwiches, potatoes, chocolate, popsicles, parmesan orzo
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