1. What school do you go to?
2. Is it anything like what you expected?
3. How was/is your senior year of high school (sorry if you're not a senior, you're just not as important)?
better than the rest of them
4. Do you take honors or AP classes?
5. What's your GPA? Are you happy with it?
no? ugh... its awful
6. Did you make majority of your friends at school?
7. Do you act any differently in school than you do outside of school?
8. What would you change about your school?
make the business school suck less
1. How do you feel about your friends in general?
the ones that im closest with are awesome
2. Who do you hang out with most often?
Ryan, his friends, Kevbo and AJ
3. If you don't have a best friend, why is that?
4. If you do have a best friend, why are they the best?
weve helped each other through the crappiest times
5. Where do you love to hang out?
6. Do most of your friends drive?
its a mix
7. Which friends would you take on vacation with you?
dont know... I would love to backpack through europe with keith
8. What's your favorite thing to do with them?
just tool around
1. What have you tried?
2. Which drugs do you want to try?
im curious about a few of them but not curious enough to do anything about it
3. What drugs would you absolutely never want to experiment with?
the hard core stuff... especially if they involve needles
4. Do your friends have any "drugs phrases" (ex: 'smoke til you choke')? What are they?
not really... my friends are pretty clean
5. If you smoke weed, what's your favorite way to do so?
6. Tell me about the first time you actually got high:
7. NOW, tell me about the last:
8. If you don't do drugs at all, why not (this is not me saying that you should)?
i have no motivation to try it
1. What alcoholic beverages have you tried?
wine and a few types of liquor
2. What are you like when you're drunk?
3. If you're under the legal drinking age, how do you acquire alcohol?
you know a guy...
4. What made you want to try it?
5. When was the last time you consumed alcohol?
last year
6. Do you know any alcoholics?
i think its likely
7. What's your favorite drink?
in general its tea
8. Would you rather drink or smoke weed?
1. Is this a person you like or someone you're dating?
im dating him
2. How long have you been together?
just over two months
3. What's so special about them?
we have a lot of fun together
4. How often do you see them?
pretty much every day
5. What do they look like?
like john lennon from his India days
6. Do you think you're a cute couple, or would make one?
i think we are
7. Do any of your friends tell you to get with them?
were already together
8. How would you describe your relationship?
it makes sense
1. What kind of cell phone do you want?
one i can figure out easily
2. How many texts do you send and receive each month?
under 250, ideally
3. How many text messages will your inbox hold?
no clue
4. Who do you text the most?
5. If you have Verizon, don't you hate how you can only send 160 characters in one text message to someone who doesn't have Verizon?
it doesnt bug me
6. Who is your last text from and what does it say?
it was from ryan
7. Do you even talk on the phone?
8. How often do you charge your phone?
every several days
Did you stand on your tippy-toes when you had your last kiss?
Do you think somebody likes the same person you do?
i dont know
Has anyone told you they don't wanna ever lose you?
eh... im not sure
Do you go by your first, middle, or last name?
Do you say please and thank you?
Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
for some tasks
If you had to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get?
no thanks
Ever had someone dislike you that you barely knew?
Is your hair naturally straight?
far from it
Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Have you ever broken someones heart?
i think i have
Do you believe in certain circumstances where cheating is okay?
Are you missing anybody right now?
Do you consider abortion?
women should be able to choose. im not a fan, but sometimes you get stuck.
Would you ever consider adoption?
i might
Do any of your Ex's still have feelings for you?
i highly doubt it
What should you be doing right now?
getting showered/dressed
In a relationship who's the boss?
Bill: basically like another father figure; Ericka: is awesome and we help each other out a lot; Kevin: i barely know and think hes kind of a jerk
Do you fall for a boy/girl with blue, green, or brown eyes?
i usually prefer green, but now im in love with a fella who has hazel eyes
Do you get every boy/girl you want?
Do you remember who you had a crush on in eighth grade?
Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three days?
What did you do today?
not much yet
Who was the last person you told a personal story to?
Mike O'Brien
Who was the first person you talked to today?
no one yet
Have you ever trusted someone too much?
Do you sleep with your window open?
Do you always answer your phone?
Who is the first person you would call if you needed help?
my mom in most situations, otherwise Ericka
How far away is the last person you kissed?
hes on the other side of campus
Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
at times
What were you doing at 12:00am last night?
just getting home
Does anyone ever spell your name wrong?
all the time
Tell me about the shirt you're wearing?
its my high school senior shirt
What's one action you do when you're really nervous?
i fidget A LOT
Where was the last place you spent money?
hmm... SALVO
Have you ever kissed someone in front of your parents?
Last night you felt?
Do you miss the way things used to be?
some of them
What age do you plan on having kids?
i plan on waiting several years
Can you tie a knot in a cherry stem with your tongue?
Best friend just stole your boyfriend/ girlfriend, what do you do?
be pissed on so many levels
Are you chatting online with anyone?
Can you whistle?
a little bit
Do you like the people in your school?
some of them
What color hair do you have?
faded fake red with brown roots
Do you like Red Bull?
love it
Is green your favorite color?
one of them
Do you know anyone who drinks a lot?
Is there someone who you instantly smile when you receive a message from?
Anything bothering you?
not really
Can you honestly say that you're okay right now?
What are you listening to?
Have you done something bad today?
What does your hair look like right now?
i look a mess
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?
How can I win your heart?
its tough
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them?
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
i think i can do it
Is there anyone you want to come see you?
not at tis moment
In the past week, have you cried?
What color is the shirt you are wearing?
royal blue
How often do you lose your voice?
Where did your last hug take place?
What is the last movie you watched?
some of Juno