Title: Pierrot
hyungwhoreGenre: Genre nonspecific, largely action/adventure, and Gothic horror.
Word length: 2274
Sypnosis: Riku is lost in the desert, in some distant world forgotten even by the nexus. He's searching for something, salvation, absolution, he doesn't know, only knows that, as he runs, as he chases, something follows close behind.
Rating: R for eventual scenes of violence, and sexual situations, as well as language
Yaoi/Yuri/Pairings: As of yet, definite pairings are not solidified, however, there will be yaoi, and possibly yuri. You will find no het in these passages.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, nor do I own The Dark Tower series, which this fic references.
The cut is a link to my journal, fanfiction is, and always will be, completely public.
Hope was fleeting in the desert, he had seen that truth, amplified a thousand times, in the faces of dirt streaked children as he passed them. Is there an implemented tagging system that I've missed? Also, cross posted at