Oh, yeah, almost forgot I was going to do this

Apr 26, 2006 01:07

This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and than pass out letters to those who want to play along.

1. Ovaries. Specifically, I dislike having them.
2. Oo-da-lally! I'm pretty sure that's not spelled right but who cares? It's that thing that various animals say in Disney's Robin Hood. It sounds funny.
3. Old school. I like retro games, particularly the SNES ones.
4. Oak trees are nice trees.
5. Oldies. My mom and I like to sing along to these on the radio!
6. Odds is one of my kitties. He's not allowed out right now because of the baby wrens next door. The house is devastated by his unhappiness.
7. Oatmeal with butter and brown sugar is really nice on winter mornings.
8. Octaves, a nice musical interval but not as nice as my favorite interval, which is a minor 6th.
9. O is, I believe, my blood type. Or possibly it's AB-. I forget.
10. Omniglots. I love learning languages and other writing systems.

There was one other O thing I was going to mention but then I got too embarrassed.
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