#114: Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by five years to become extremely attractive?
Yes I would. I'm scared of living too long anyway....so this is win win for me.
#115: Given the ability to project yourself into the past but not return, would you do so? Where would you go and what would you try to accomplish if you knew you might change the course of history?
How might the world be different if you could actually change some historical event?
How sure are you that the long-term consequences would be positive?
Hmm..I would like to go back and be in elementary school with Hitler. Make sure he falls off the monkey bars, for good yo.
I'm not positive, I'm sure some other assmonkey would try and rule the world...hell maybe one of the millions of people killed by him was another lunatic waiting for the right opportunity to shine.
So in all seriousness...no, I'm not going back in time. I'm a woman. A strong willed, independent and opinionated woman. I would not fair well, at all.
#116: How many different sexual partners have you had in your life?
Would you prefer to have had more or fewer?
Seriously? Alright give me a minute. 25. Pretty sure, at least 25.
I think that's a large enough number. I'm all good, thanks.
#117: Have you ever considered suicide?
What is so important to you that without it life would not be worth living?
Nope, Homicide LOTS of times. Not really, I mean I haven't every fantasized about the act and planning of killing a particular individual, but man if I had some kind of genie granted power that all I had to do was blink and someone was gone....Whew this would be a very spacious planet indeed.
#118: If you friends and acquaintances were willing to bluntly and honestly tell you what they really thought of you, would you want the to?
Do you think your friends would agree wit one another about the kind of person you are?
How much energy do you spend doing things to favorably impress other people?
If you were completely unconcerned about what others would think, what sorts of things might you do?
How do you feel when people like you because they think you are someone you are not?
Friends yes, acquaintances can kiss my ass. Yes I think my friends would all agree that I am a lovely and caring friend that they would not pick last for any kind of team sport or brainbowl type activity.
I would do all of the same things I'm doing right now. I am completely unconcerned with what most people think.
I have never had anyone like me because I was being someone I wasn't, intentionally that is. I mean if they had only seen me in a professional environment and thought I was that way all their time then that's their misconception not my deceit.
#119: If this country were to suffer an unprovoked nuclear attack and would be totally obliterated in a matter of minutes, would you favor unleashing the U.S. nuclear arsenal upon the attackers?
Well, funny you should ask because apparently tomorrow is the day people. For the record, yes bomb the crap out of the people who did it because 2 wrongs make a giant super wrong that will change the face of this planet and its living beings for EVER. /sarcasm
Am I the only one wondering why, if we will be obliterated in a manner of minutes, that our government would be asking for a baker's opinion on Total Nuclear Annihilation?
#120: Would you accept $10,000 to shave your head and continue your normal activities sans hat or wig without explaining the reason for your haircut?
Yes. I would also, since not being able to explain it at all, go about my life acting like everyone is crazy for thinking I'm bald. I'd carry around a brush and say, if I had no hair, why am I brushing it right now? Yes I'd be the crazy bald lady, 10,000 dollars closer to being debt free :)
#121: Were you able to wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, would you do so?
Whom would you pick?
No swapping. Being John Malkovich was creepy.
#122: If you were happily married, and then met someone you felt was certain to always bring you deeply passionate, intoxicating love, would you leave your spouse?
What if you had kids?
No leaving spouse. I have a kid. Doesn't change the answer at all.
#123: When you do something ridiculous, how much does it bother you to have other people notice it and laugh at you?
I notice first and usually think it's way funnier than it is to everyone else.
#124: who is the most important person in you life?
What could you do to improve the relationship?
Will you ever do it?
Me. I am. Then Ruby. Then Andrea. Then Jason. Then Richie. Then everyone else. My Family somewhere near the bottom by the nice crazy bus man who thought I looked 21 last week.
#125: Assuming that complete recovery were instantaneous, would you be willing to accept a year of complete paralysis below the neck to prevent the otherwise certain extinction of the blue whales?
When you make a big sacrifice, do you tell people about it or keep it to yourself?
Do you feel annoyed when your sacrifices aren't acknowledged by others?
What would you never willingly sacrifice? Your life? Your health? Your integrity? Your dreams?
Hmmm...If I did that then there would be no star trek 4. Kirk would never buy Ben Franklin's glasses for Bones. So based on the fact that I am the only one that liked Star trek 4 and that without it there would never have been any of the other star trek movies of tv series, giving me way too much of my teenage years without purpose,(thanks TNG), I'm answering No, i would not save the Blue Whales.
I keep sacrifices to myself. So no annoyance. Would never willingly sacrifice the life of my daughter, friends or family. I sacrifice my health with every Cheeto and cupcake I eat. Integrity...I haven't had that for years...Dreams...depends on what I was giving them up for, like for my daughters dreams, sure I'd sacrifice them.
#126: Do you believe in capital punishment?
Would you be willing to execute a man sentenced to death by the courts if you were selected by lot to do so and he would go free if you refused? Assume you know no details of the trial.
Yes I do. However I would like to take this opportunity to say that I don't see what is so bad about canning. Why does it have such a bad rap all of a sudden? I mean think about all of the people we save each year with canning. Think of all the waste we avoid without canning. Canning is even a fun and enjoyable hobby that I myself have been known to do from time to time, the results making excellent Christmas gifts. I mean come on people...who doesn't like Jam?
Back to the question, I agree with capital punishment. I would totally execute someone, male or female if it was my turn. It's not my job to know details.