I've loved Carell since The Daily Show, specifically since
Even Steph/ven with Stephen Colbert, and he's going to continue to have an amazing career for himself, but I am SO saddened as we ramp up on his last few episodes.
Ya know, Michael is so dumb and such an idiot and just... such an oaf, but he loves his people and he's so sweet under all his "I'm kind of too stupid to live in the Real World." And just, all I need to know about him is this moment after he gets Roasted by the office and everyone hurt his feelings and his feelings are all hurt and he's pissed and he's lashing out at everyone and angry .... and then Stanley laughed at something and that's all it took, because Michael craves affection so much that his own feelings don't really matter, because if you think he's funny then it's all good again. I love Jim and Pam, and I love Dwight and Jim's back and forth, and I love accounting, and I love sales, and I LOVE Darryl, but I love Michael most of all. Michael is dumb and stupid and then he does something that winds up getting his feelings hurt and even while I'm laughing at him I'm going "awwwww, Michael, I love you so much." I want to kiss him all over, not in a sexual way but in the same way I do my 4 year old nephew when he scrapes his knee and says "my knee did a owie!"
And Holly is just.. so ridiculously perfect for him, in every single fucking way, and I cried and cried when he proposed to her, and then the sprinklers went off and somehow that made me laugh and just cry harder out of happiness.
I am so happy that this is how we're going to say goodbye to Steve Carell's Michael Scott, because i want him to get fat and happy with kiddies running all over the place with his honey Holly, and EEEEE, I think he's actually going to GET that (though I'm not quite caught up on where Michael is with the vascectomy, snip-snap-snip-snap cycle, so he maybe have to have it re-re-re-reversed again, but yeah).
Let me show the ways.
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It's easy to forget how sad this show has made Michael for 6 years until you see it all compiled into one. It's what makes this Holly proposal/sendoff so rewarding for him/me. Sigh.
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This is the best usage of this song I've ever seen, bar none.
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And a techno remix to Michael's love for Toby
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