Maybe not ;-P....
Let's is ummmm....well....i wouldn't know...too many drugs...not enough sanity left :-P
Work is well....i no longer work at Hollywood due to a stream of bad feelings about being there, issues with jim, unabated boredom, fathomless depression while there, and basically a lack of anything at all to do....though...its not all that bad when you take into account that i make more at the clinic...which is funny...because after years and years of fighting working for my parents and here...i end up making 9.50/hr and having the only job that no matter how bored i get there or stressed i get...i end up enjoying it regardless...that and i get to work with my lovely and amazing rachel....
Let's and friends....spending wayyyy too much time with my family...but i work with them 3/4days a i can't really avoid it...let's brother broke his arm on a mailbox....i haven't really seen a lot of people....i've been avoiding lots of people more or less....i see a lot of geoff and marino...which is nice....the best time i had with friends so far was when adam, kat, and ed came down.....definitely one of my best weekends all summer...if not the best...actually...probably THE best...just cause rachel stayed over....which is rare here...
Anything else important...hmmmm.....not really....i move back to boston soon...which i'm happy about...i miss it up there....i miss my know....all like 2 that still will be up there outside of rachel...i gots my ear pierced a while ago...which i was a little weird about at first because certain people decided to be narrowminded about it....thankfully...i don't care what other people think...and furthermore...i've grown to love it...i miss some people that i have yet to see...granted...i don't know if i will even get to see them...cause the one lives like 3hrs away.....what else.....hmmmmm.......i don't know....i miss my old different points for different respects.....::sighs::