Title: Contest entry: Natural growth
Characters: Tsuna, Iemitsu
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Genre: Gen musings
Word count: 167
Tsuna didn’t really get why his father spent some of his spare time tunneling. It was dirty, not to mention it seemed a little… well, dishonest. Like he was sneaking around. Tsuna suspected he’d done it more often than they know, and that he listened in on things he had no business listening to.
He was right, but Iemitsu would never admit it.
He just grinned and sidestepped any question Tsuna might try to ask. The kid never followed up. It was a habit his father wanted to see him grow out of. He had it in him - he’d proven that, time and again. But that was the reason Iemitsu snuck around instead of being direct. He didn’t want to force it. Like all things, it would grow strongest and most beautiful if allowed to grow at its own pace.
And if his son’s inner strength sometimes wanted to hide, then so be it. After all, too much sun - or rain - and a seed will never sprout.
And bonus because I had a bad day and this just popped out (I'll remove if it's inappropriate to tack on to the post)
Title: Lies
Characters: Yamamoto
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Genre: Gen, angst (early TYL spoilers)
Word count: 100
When Yamamoto lied to himself, he pretty much believed himself.
Like that thing on the school roof. Not his shining moment, but at the time he told himself - and believed - that his life was over without baseball, which he loved more than anything. Although, even loving baseball more than anything was a lie, wasn’t it? And how long had he told himself Reborn’s training was just a game?
But now… now, no matter how much he tried to tell himself, it wasn’t going to be okay. The Tenth was gone, and he didn’t believe things would be okay ever again.