momochuuuAge: 14
Would you like to be rated as a male, female, or does it matter? It doesn`t matter. :3
Likes: Music, fruits, art, anime/manga, chocolate, pirates, drawing, sleeping, eating, pretty graphics *0*, those cute things you buy in stores for your mobile and etc (Haha ._.), big fat stuffed animals, doujinshi, fanart, videogames, mmorpgs, reading, being in my room
Dislikes: seafood, public speaking, being in fights with friends/family, friends/family fighting with eachother ~_~
Strengths: Listening, can learn things pretty quickly, very open to anything, optimistic as in believing everything will be alright in the end.
Weaknesses: shyness ;_; shortness, horrible terrible memory
Goals: become really good at playing guitar, improve in art and have a good life
Fears: family breaking apart, doing bad at school thus messing up my future, being shy forever? ;.;
Hobbies: playing guitar, drawing, internet, games
Talents: ...Drawing?
General mood? Happy, I usually have a good amount of yayenergy everyday :3
Any Special Quirks? I (can admit) am extremely slow. That means for getting jokes and figuring out things ;_;?
Leader or follower? Follower more. I need support with me and I hardly imagine myself leading anything or anyone.
Low, medium, or high energy levels? Medium-High.
Family or Friends? Family (Friends/Family samesaemsameemas ;__;)
Which sport would you say you could play to the EXTREME!!! Badminton
If you were placed in Tsuna's situation and were told that you were the next Mafia boss, what would you do? Me: "Omfg. Something weird is happening to me like in anime/mangas" Then think I`ll go have an adventure where all my troubles of school are left behind....I wish .___.
You’ve been hit with the (Dying Will, Rebuke, Desolation, or Possession) bullet! Now what do you do?! Desolation bullet - emo momo in corner. D:
Anything else? Uhm. Nu..nuthing really. REBORN FTW. Chu. Nice community <3 These things always make me interested and wondering~