ashighastheskyAge: 14
Would you like to be rated as a male, female, or does it matter? It doesn't matter..
I'm going to do this application on what my mom supplied me with;; I don't know anything about myself anymore.
Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, sleeping, staying inside and never going our to the pool down the road whom many people would love to be close to, air conditioning, Japanese cuisine, French cuisine, Italian cuisine, traveling, Astronomy, Marine Biology, English (my major, so I guess she put that down for a reason), procrastinating, being a pain in...uh, skipping that, being with friends more than family, Dad [for some reason], cold temperatures, Christmas, New Years, video games, some animes, mooncakes.
Dislikes: Making my bed, Science Fairs, essays, Social Studies/politics, hot temperatures, humidity, natural disasters, smoking, pollution, filling out applications, being forced to draw/write, getting up early, buses, people who walk really slow/stand in the middle of the hallway, clocks (only when it's really quiet and you can hear them ticking), graduation in 16 days, death, ghosts, bees (only when provoked, otherwise, I seriously would let them rest on my knee, albeit nervous), dogs, getting old, getting sick, pineapples (unless they're with something), and not being able to recycle.
Strengths: (Can be) Detemined, witty, assertive, humorous, highly intelligent, caring, respectful, courteous [not to me (mom)], cute (...WHAT?), artistic, interesting, weird (?), profound, can get people who are sad to feel better.
Weaknesses: Can't hear a thing when the air conditioner is on, tends to be really selective, can be rude, can be kind of gross, really needs to embrace that fact that she's a girl (oh, who cares), lack of confidence and self esteem, can be really lazy/procrastinate, too optimistic, too trusting (I think she's referring to my dad here...), doesn't bother being athletic [has lots of leg strength] and can be annoying.
Goals: To live for a long time and die of old age, being either an astronomer, author, or mangaka, and to pass school the first time. Or to become President and take away the mile run. And live in Italy/Space.
Fears: Death, illness, supernatural (though, it is so interesting, I can't keep away), losing internet connection/having my mom find the stuff I have on here and taking it the wrong way (]:), not being able to see my girlfriend this year, failing, becoming a GYM TEACHER, natural disaster, murder, rape (doubt that), being stuck in this house, not being able to do anything FOREVER.
Hobbies: Traveling, reading, writing, drawing, star-gazing, video-gaming, roleplaying (writing), sleeping, learning new things, exploring, going to amusement parks.
Talents: Reading, writing, and I guess being [kind of] smart is a talent..
General mood? Probably either tired, discontent, or okay.
Any Special Quirks? I can stand being a girl, and try to cover that up in any way possible (except from my voice and figure [HAHA, NOT MUCH OF ONE]).
Leader or follower? I have the potential to be a leader, but I'd rather follow.
Low, medium, or high energy levels? Medium.
Family or Friends? Friends are family.
Which sport would you say you could play to the EXTREME!!! Badmitton, man. BADMITTON.
If you were placed in Tsuna's situation and were told that you were the next Mafia boss, what would you do? Stare in disbelief.
You’ve been hit with the (Dying Will, Rebuke, Desolation, or Possession) bullet! Now what do you do?! Dying Will; Probably go tell my mom straight-out about everything I think about myself, her, and probably when I talk about secret, too. ]:
Anything else? Don't have any Pandas;; Go get an animal cracker or something;