Fic search

Dec 04, 2010 22:18

Hey people, I'm looking for fics about Adult Reborn/Yamamoto. Since this is quite an unusual pairing, there aren't many fics about it, but I'm sure there must be few ^^

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edit 6/12/10: Here are two fics and a link to a doujin I found:

The morning after a night to remember(NC-17)

And my Hours are Slumberless (NC-17)

Note: You have to be a member of the community to download this. But it's really good: the artwork is beautiful (seriously, you won't be disappointed) and the engagement between Reborn and Yamamoto is so well-done. It's a nice change after all the usual shouting/yelling matches that are the norm between everyone in KHR. Only thing I find wrong with it is the fact that it's sort of Yamamoto/Hibari on the side, which I'm not really a fan of. But still, if you haven't seen it, check it out.

Also, check the khr kink meme. Some of the prompts in the unfilled section were filled, but not yet shown on the 'filled' page.

If there's any more, I'd be glad to know :)

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