LAST ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Hey, not since Friday, when it was a glass of wine with dinner. Man, I'm being good! (It's bound to break fairly soon. Probably tomorrow, in fact, but hey, if you can't drink on your 21st birthday when CAN you??)
LAST KISS: *thinks* Well, there've been various drunken ones given to me at some point not that long ago (not lips, I hasten to add), but I can't remember a specific occasion/person
LAST LIBRARY BOOK CHECKED OUT: Kant's Groundwork Of The Metaphysics of Morals *hates it*
LAST MOVIE: Last Movie...WHAT? What does that mean? *bemused*
LAST BOOK READ: Kant, see above. Though it shouldn't even count as a book. It is an incarnation of evilness. Before that (literally a day before it, I may add; I have to read FAR too much) it was Rushdie's "Shame" which was just plain weird.
LAST MOVIE RENTED: Errrrmmmmmm I think it might've been that Nicole Kidman one where she's a translator in the UN. I can't remember the name of it.......Ah, The Interpreter. That's it. No wait, I think actually it might've been Shrek 2, in the holidays with my brother....Whatever it was, it was a while ago.
LAST CUSS WORD UTTERED: "Fuck", repeated several times in mantra-like fashion when I came to the realisation that it was 11 o clock and I was yet to start writing the essay that is due in tomorrow morning. I rarely swear, and rarely obscenely, but I feel it might be justified this time.
LAST BEVERAGE DRANK: A cup of Traditional Afternoon tea (two in fact, with Sali. Yay for tea...)
LAST FOOD CONSUMED: Tomato and Mozzarella Pitta pockets that I whipped up with my grill thingy. Instant dinner...Very useful for time-pressured situations.
LAST PHONE CALL: from Sali wanting to know if she could come over for tea. Of course the answer was yes.... :P
LAST TV SHOW WATCHED: I have no idea actually...! Bound to be the Simpsons though; it's all I ever watch on TV.
LAST SHOES WORN: My greeny-beigy Faith trainers
LAST CD PLAYED: Uiscedwr "Everywhere", which I got for my birthday from my bro
LAST ITEM BOUGHT: Drinks in the bar last night for me and the boys (J20 for me tho', as was being good!)
LAST DOWNLOAD: Quicktime 7 in an attempt to watch the trailer for 'The Libertine', which I will hopefully go see tomorrow eve...
LAST ANNOYANCE: The fact that I have to write this stupid essay for tomorrow
LAST DISAPPOINTMENT: I can't think of anything at the minute, which is good....
LAST SODA: Don't do soda
LAST THING WRITTEN: "Don't do soda" (Well technically if we're talking hand written, it was the words 'mortally dangerous' as I was trying to brainstorm essay ideas...!) Essay writing is itself a mortally dangerous activity I feel.
LAST KEY USED: Key as in, key on computer keyboard, or key as in unlocking device, or key as in musical instrument key...? Oh, the possibilities...I can't be bothered to answer them all.
LAST WORDS SPOKEN: "Ciao" (heehee), to Kirsten; she popped in after the bar to say hello very briefly
LAST SLEEP: Last night, from 11.30 to 10.00; this cold thing has made me really tired...
LAST IM: Umm, I can't actually remember?! Weird...I haven't been using MSN as much as I usually do recently.
LAST WEIRD ENCOUNTER: Having my DOS and one of my supervisors both call out my name on Trumpington Street when I walked straight past them without even noticing them...And all they seemed to want was an acknowledgement/hello...I was a little confused that they'd stopped me, especially since I had been so focused on what I was doing/where I was going (lost in own world!) that I hadn't even realised they were standing there...! Sorta embarrassing/random really...!
LAST ICE CREAM EATEN: The chocolate cake accompaniment on Thurs that Sali and I polished off in record speed!
LAST TIME AMUSED: At the Dr Ruehl facebook society debacle...
LAST TIME HUGGED: I hugged Sali earlier I think! And Hannah yesterday when she came round; I hadn't seen her for aaaaages.
LAST TIME SCOLDED: I haven't scolded anyone/been scolded for quite some time now!
Oh dammit, it's almost midnight. 533 words of essay. Need to sleep. Hey, going to be twenty one in five minutes! I wonder if anything miraculous will happen. It would be SO unbelieveably cool if my essay just spontaneously finished itself...