Title: The Prince and the Cat (A NEWS fairytaile)
Author: Ki-el
Rating: G
Pairing: KoyaShige and a bit TegoMassu
Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Fairytale
Summary: This is a little NEWS fairy tale. And it’s got everything a fairy tale needs: three brothers, an abducted princess, an hideous monster... and of course a very talkative cat.
The Prince and the Cat
Once upon a time, there was a king who had four children. The eldest one - the crown prince - was very handsome and had a fascinating charisma. Also, he was the best swordsman in the country. People loved him and every day, maidens came so that he would look at them and fall in love. The second son’s character was a little rough and he didn’t like court life. He spent his days on horseback, chasing after highwayman and bandits. His arrow always found its aim. And there was the youngest son who was shy and unremarkable compared to his brothers. He was bright and erudite, but he could handle neither sword nor arrow. Lastly, there was the princess - the king’s youngest child. She was the most beautiful girl far and wide, her smile could melt stones and her voice enchanted everybody. Many princes from far away kingdoms came to propose to her, but she declined each and every one. “We don’t harmonize well”, she told them every time.
Then, one day, an evil monster abducted the princess.
“Oh dear!”, the queen, who herself was a powerful sorceress, cried. “My child has been stolen from me!”
The king, too, was very concerned and called for his sons. “You have to find your sister, lest your mother shall die of sadness.”
“I’ll take our army and find the beast!”, the crown prince said.
“I’ll accompany you with my cavalry!”, the second son added and he already was reaching for his dagger. “And you have to stay with mother, kid”, he told his youngest brother.
“But I want to help, too!”, the youngest prince exclaimed.
“You cannot handle a weapon. Leave it to us”, said the crown prince.
“Your brothers are right.” Thus, the king had put his foot down and the two princes left to save their sister.
The youngest prince, however, was deeply grieved. He worried about his sister and his brothers and wanted to aid them. With a sorrowful face, he walked through the palace gardens, when a loud barking reached his ear followed by a heartbreaking meow. He followed the noises to find a buff coloured cat desperately trying to escape from an evil, drooling dog. Without hesitating, the prince took a huge stick and drove the dog away.
“There...”, he told the cat. “Now you’re safe.” That said, he already wanted to leave with his mind a little bit more at ease because he had been able to help at least one creature but then he heard a male voice behind him:
„Dear Prince, don’t go. I haven’t thanked you yet!”
The prince turned around and the cat leaped into his arms. His fur was really soft and the prince immediately liked to hold him more often. “You saved my life”, the cat said with a friendly voice.
Smiling, the prince answered: “Don’t mention it, but - atchooo!”
The prince kept sneezing for several minutes until he had to put the cat down. Only then the sneezing got better and finally abated.
„Oh no!“, the cat said anxiously. “I make you sick. How horrible! I have to keep my distance then...” Now the cat sounded really sad.
“Then you should leave. You don’t have to stay with me.”
“But I do! I have to thank you properly. You saved my life; I’m indebted to you now. Besides, you looked so unhappy earlier. Maybe I can cheer you up. Tell me what bothers you.”
So the prince told the cat what had happened.
“Well, then let’s go and save your sister.”
“But I cannot go all alone”, the prince said. “Of what use could I be?”
“Don’t be so negative! You’re not alone anymore. You’re with me.”
The prince doubted very much that this fact would make a difference, but he decided to act according to the cat’s advice. So, the two of them set out, over trails and dirt roads, until they reached a small, isolated town.
The crown prince’s army camped before the town gates as well as the cavalry of the second prince.
“Why will you not get in?”, the youngest prince asked his brothers then.
“Because they will not let us. They believe us to be the enemy”, the oldest prince explained to him a little bit depressed.
“Leave it to me!”, the cat said then. “Come, my friend!”
So the cat walked up to the town gates together with the youngest prince.
“Hello dear citizens! Will you not let us in, please?“
„No! You cannot be trusted!“, answered the guard.
“But we-“, began the young prince, took a step forward, stumbled over a stone lying on the ground and fell onto the cat. He had to sneeze badly right away.
One moment passed that the guard could just stare but then he began to laugh. “You are hilarious! Someone as clumsy as you could not do any harm. Come in!”
With this words being said, he opened the town gates.
When the three princes and the cat entered the town, the citizens welcomed them very kindly. Soon they learned to trust the crown prince and when he asked whether there was a monster in the vicinity they answered: “Well yes, there is one. Somewhere in that mountain, a hideous beast dwells. It devours beautiful princesses.
“Damn it!”, the second prince cursed. “We have to find it immediately. It has abducted our little sister.”
“But there’s no way into the mountain“, the citizens told them. All the paths had been blocked.
Again everybody was at a loss and they hung their heads low. The youngest prince felt desperate as he walked aimlessly through the city. “Now, now!”, the cat said. “Don’t be so sad. We’ll find a way.“
Then, a ball hit the prince in the head.
“We beg your pardon!”, the playing children called out to him, but the prince was not mad at all. With a sigh he wanted to throw the ball back to them, but the cat had already reached the children and said to them: “Don’t you want to play a little with my friend over there. He’s sad, maybe you could cheer him up.”
“Of course!”, the children cried happily and soon the prince found himself playing with them and losing. Nevertheless, the cat cheered for him all the time.
“You are a very nice person”, the children finally said to the exhausted prince. “We’ll tell you our secret.”
“Your secret?”
“Yes. We know a secret path into the gallery in the mountain. We go there to play and hide if the grownups are mean to us. Do you want to see it?”
Of course he wanted to. He called for his brothers and the three of them followed the children into the mountain.
When they reached the gallery they sent the children back and went in. It was dark and they would have been lost there. But suddenly they heard the lovely sound of their sister’s voice and they followed it. Thus, the three brothers and the cat sneaked up from behind into a big cave in the heart of the mountain and cautiously peaked into it.
They saw a big, ugly monster lying in front of their little sister who sang a sad song about love.
The second prince reacted immediately. He took his bow and shot an arrow right into the side of the beast. It screamed because it was in pain and the crown prince drew his sword, to attack the monster and behead the fearsome creature. But the youngest prince had noticed that the princess seemed to like the monster so he grabbed his brother’s arm to stop him.
“Are you out of your mind?”, the crown prince shouted angrily.
“Stop, dearest brother”, the princess said, kneeling beside the ugly beast and stroking its forehead. “Don’t hurt him. He’s just hungry.” With her big, beautiful eyes she looked up to her brother.
“But he wanted to devour you!”, the second brother said, still aiming another arrow at the beast.
“Well yes. But only because it was hungry. Weren’t you, you poor poor darling?“ She kept patting the beast.
Then the cat stepped forward. „This monster is an enchanted prince from a foreign country”, he told them. “He’s under his evil step mother’s spell and has to devour princesses. Otherwise he’ll die.”
“Oh no! You have to release him from this spell!“ The princess looked from one brother to another with great faith shining in her eyes.
„But how?“
With his big ugly claw the monster pointed towards the cave wall. There, the youngest prince found, was an old inscription saying: ‘I changed you the day you were born and that shall be the key.’
“So it’s your birthday?”
The beast nodded.
“But how shall we know your birthday?”, the oldest prince asked, still holding his sword to kill the monster if it should try to hurt someone.
„In the month July on the fourth day”, the cat suddenly said. Then a beautiful light enclosed the ugly monster and when it faded away, it had become a handsome young man.
The princess hugged him instantly, but the foreign prince opened and closed his mouth trying to talk but not a sound escaped his throat.
“You cannot speak? Oh my poor, poor darling!”, the princess cried out and kissed him tenderly, thus breaking this second evil spell, because no curse was strong enough to resist the princess’ kiss.
“I thank you from the bottom of my heart”, the prince said in a beautiful voice and the princess flung her arms around him, laughing gaily and exclaiming: “You will marry me, won’t you? Because with you, I harmonize perfectly.”
And so the siblings returned to the palace where the queen rejoiced since all her children had come back home safely. Therefore, she granted each prince a wish. The crown prince though, didn’t have any wishes. The second prince wanted to have his own kingdom, so he left for the north, found a princess there and they had six children.
When the youngest prince’s turn came he said: “Dear mother, I wish to be together with my friend, the cat, without having to sneeze all the time.
So the queen raised her wand and turned the cat into a handsome young man. “He’s not a cat anymore. You can be together now“, she told them wisely.
Both young men were really grateful for this turn of events and they decided to travel the world and discover many exciting places.
“But tell me, friend“, the youngest prince asked. “How did you know the foreign prince’s birthday?”
„I was living in his castle, when he was born and as a child he was really friendly towards me. That’s why I remembered his birthday. I always remember the birthdays of all the people who are important to me. You’ve been born in the month July, on the 11th day, for example.
“That’s right. But when have you been born?”
“Today”, the man that had been a cat answered with a smile.
“Then I wish you a happy birthday.”
And the two of them had a little celebration and they lived happily ever after.
Happy Birthday, Koyama! <3