Permission to translate fics

Aug 24, 2018 22:22

Since I'm no longer on LJ much, and rarely check messages anymore, I wanted to put this notice here. I'm getting a lot of translation requests, and sometimes, unfortunately, I can be very late in responding because I'm not around much anymore. So I wanted to say this to anyone who's interested in making a translation of any of my fics.

Thank you ( Read more... )

translation, merlin, xmfc, star trek xi, fics, star trek tos

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Comments 2

kuhekabir August 27 2013, 12:13:45 UTC
This might not be the place for it but I thought I would ask anyway...what's the status with the series Don't stop believing? Is there going to be part 3?


=)) rinafalse October 27 2013, 08:51:44 UTC
воу, открытое разрешение это всегда круто XD
а то я только хотела попроситься на один макси, уж больно мне нравятся твои фики.
Переведенное будет на ао3е ;)


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