Title: Online Test
Fandom: One Piece
Genre: Humour? I hope. Sort of AU
Rating: PG?
Disclaimer: It rightfully belongs to Oda-sensei, but we can dream right?
Summary: Sanji realizes the truth can sometimes be humiliating...
Sanji stared at the screen incredulously. "What the fuck?" He rubbed at his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing anything and looked back at the screen again. Nope, it was still the same.
Growling, he pressed the back button on his browser. There was no fucking way. It must have been a mistake. He'll just retake the quiz.
"Alright," Sanji pulled out a cigarette and lit it, reading the first question. "That's simple. Invisiblity." His eyes turned to hearts as he momentarily thought of what he could do with the power of invisibility. He clicked his answer and went on to the next question. Sanji flinched inwardly, the flavours weren't bad if made correctly, but for that sort of thing - "Definitely chocolate."
The cook tapped his ashes into the ashtray sitting next to the keyboard. "A frog would make the easiest meal in case of emergency." He muttered. "No fur or feathers." The next question made him think. "A position of authority, make it easy to manipulate things." He grinned, clicking on referee before going to the last question. "Interesting, naturally I would donate it to my lovely Nami-swan!"
He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and clicked.
He heard a snort behind him. "I can't believe it!" How the hell did he not hear him come in? "Hufflepuff? I always knew you were a pansy."
Sanji stared at the screen and groaned, there growling at him was the badger of Hufflepuff. He glared as Zoro held his sides trying not to burst out laughing. He was a fucking badger?! Annoyed, Sanji proceeded to show Zoro what an angry badger was made of. He would teach that shitty swordsman to underestimate Hufflepuffs. He still decided, however, that next time, he would just choose his own house, screw the sorting.