Here's all of the banners...
Best Overall Kate/Gibbs story.
Best Kate/Gibbs Work In Progress
Best Kate/Gibbs Romance.
Best Kate/Gibbs Angst.
Best Kate/Gibbs Humor.
Best Kate/Gibbs AU.
Best Kate/Gibbs Drabble.
Best Kate/Gibbs Death fic.
Best Kate/Gibbs Post-Twilight. (As in: missing scene, post-ep, “what-if” or story relating to Twilight)
Best Kate/Gibbs Post-Ep.
Best Kate/Gibbs Missing Scene.
Best Kate/Gibbs NC-17.
Best Casefile with Kate/Gibbs.
Best NCIS Crossover with Kate/Gibbs.
Best Story with Kate/Gibbs Undertones.
Best Kate/Gibbs Series.
Best Kate/Gibbs Author.