Hi! This post is in reference to this fest:
http://rarewomen.livejournal.com/4001.html First of all, thank you! :)
Second, I'll try to make this worthwhile and not just a "write whatever you want!" letter (no promises, though. I'm not picky).
So, here we go:
What squicks me will probably be the easiest: bloodplay and medical play are major no's for me. Everything else (seriously, everything else) is a-okay as far as kink is concerned.
If it's got porn, I'd much prefer femslash (and oral is a major fuck yes please), but Gen fic is totally good, too (and I'd much rather have Gen fic than het).
I'm also good if you want to change up the pairings.
Bath/shower sex is also good. So are puppies, but in a non-sexual way. And ice cream. (So, curtain fic, really. I'd be cool with that.)
Hopefully this was somewhat helpful. :)