Let me take you down cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields... :)

Oct 06, 2005 17:36

Earlier, I was fixing my clearbooks that contained my piano pieces of nearly 2 decades ago.

...A drawing I made in second grade for Christian Living Education!

I recall the seatwork: Mrs. Legaspi was the teacher, and she told the class to pick a line from this song we had to learn for First Holy Communion (apparently, I've forgotten which!), and interpret it through drawing. I chose the line: Your Right hand holds me tight, and interpreted it with the whole Angels and Demons concept--How God's Right hand defended me from all that was evil. I drew myself as the girl in red, and there's my Guardian Angel sent by God to protect, defend and fight Satan for and with me.
Admittedly, to this day, I still find that drawing I made 14 years ago, true and applicable to my personal beliefs. :)

Meanwhile, further down memory lane...

A few days ago, I found this picture while cleaning my room:

I was just five years old then and in prep in that picture. See, My dad used to take me to school back in grade school and high school. We'd leave the house early to avoid traffic (the downside of living in the South). The thing is we often left home too early that I'd usually arrive in school before the gates were opened! So my dad and I would wait inside the car, where we'd be chatting up a storm about life, singing songs and/or exchanging jokes until the gates opened--that was when I'd have to go off to school--but before I officially went to school, my dad and I would pray. It was a lovely ritual. :) I would also make him park 10-20 meters away from the gate so that I could "walk" towards it and feel independent! (This happened up until 7th grade. After that I was too tired to walk with all the school load, so I asked to be dropped off exactly at the gate: no more walking!) ;P

Those were the days! Look at that big knapsack: it made me look like a yellow-shelled Ninja Turtle in a plaid skirt! Those were crazy days! What were people thinking and they had a wall clock sewn on the back of the knapsack?!!! I have to say though, that, that knapsack made the process of telling time fun. :)


Petit plaisirs deviennent grands avec le temps.
The simplest pleasures become more grander with age.

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